Q&A With James Craig, Candidate for PA State Senate District 46

I learned about the James Craig campaign via Facebook. His district includes portions of Beaver and Washington counties as well as all of Greene County. His personal story is rather compelling. He’s the first candidate to respond to this round of Q&A’s. I hope you will give his response your consideration. We began this Political […]

A List: Creating Opportunities for Pennsylvanians to Show Up for #Midterms2018

Voting Deadlines Pennsylvania

UPDATED! Our politicians have failed, but this nation is in our hands. Here is a list of things I think might be useful for you to pursue. I’ve tried mightily to get more information, but the challenge is that the folks holding it are overwhelmed and overextended so it is hard to get them to […]

Midterms 2018 Political Q&A Not Generating Much Interest or GOTV Information

In followup to our primary Q&As earlier this year, I had three plans in mind to do my bit to turn out informed voters. First, I tried to install voter registration widgets and links. Unfortunately, my latest (now former) webguy wasn’t timely in helping me realize that we needed to do more behind the scenes […]

Ross Township Extends Nondiscrimination Protections to LGBTQ Residents

Ross Township Nondiscrimination

Now here’s a much-needed shot in the arm for LGBTQ folks in Western Pennsylvania – Ross Township has extended nondiscrimination protections in employment, housing, and public accommodations to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The vote was 5-2 to create an Equal Opportunity Board and extended the protections.  As you might anticipate, the vote was […]

Ray Zaborney is the Real Republican Threat to LGBTQ People in Pennsylvania

Ray Zaborney Caitlyn Jenner joke

From Billy Penn comes this (not) shocking transphobic move by Republicans On Thursday morning, Ray Zaborney, a well-known political consultant whose GOP-leaning firm was recently retained to handle Wagner’s media operations, texted a meme of television personality Caitlyn Jenner next to a statement that seemingly mocks the celebrity’s gender transition. Zaborney sent the meme to four people: Jason High, […]

PA State Human Relations Commission Expands Discrimination Classes to Include Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity

Pennsylvania discrimination

This is a pretty significant move, but please note that this is NOT the same thing as the General Assembly passing legislation. Like the other two statewide rights (marriage equality and second parent adoption) for LGBTQ people, this has not come from our elected officials in the General Assembly. The Commission issued a guidance that […]

Anger & Disappointment: Statements From People Who Attended the Meeting with Turahn Jenkins

The compiled public statements from multiple LGBTQ folks and allies who attended the meeting Friday afternoon with candidate for District Attorney Turahn Jenkins. You can read my summary of the meeting in this post. Here I am simply signal boosting the words of the individuals who were part of the meeting. I do not have […]

Jenkins Campaign Gaslights Trans Women, Black Trans Women in Defense of His Anti-LGBTQ Beliefs

Turahn Jenkins Homophobic

Sunday morning in Pittsburgh. Candidate for Allegheny County District attorney Turahn Jenkins gaslights trans women of color in particular for the ‘social media reports of my faith equating to a bias or phobia.’  This is his response to reports out of the meeting he held with LGBTQ folks on Friday. The Christian faith community he chose, in […]

Allegheny County DA Candidate Turahn Jenkins Says LGBTQ People are Sinful

This afternoon, candidate Turahn Jenkins met with representatives from the LGBTQ community to discuss concerns about his affiliation with a church that has a stated belief that homosexuality is sinful. These concerns were part of a dialogue that took place earlier in the week on my Facebook timeline. I’ve confirmed with four sources that Mr. […]

Why Campaign Staff & Supporters Have to Ask Hard Questions About Religious Liberty and LGBTQ Identity

Note: I wrote this yesterday (Thursday) and was waiting to hear a report out from today’s meeting between candidate for DA Turahn Jenkins & LGBTQ community members before posting. That meeting took place. I will report what I learn in another post. ~ Sue One pressing question for me at this moment in time, in […]