the coalition of people whose lives are ruined whenever other people are treated equally

the coalition of people whose lives are ruined whenever other people are treated equally

This is amusing. I love the little girl’s eyes at the end. LOL

Update: City of Pittsburgh Blocks Lesbian Blog (Again)

Lesbian, blocked website, Pittsburgh,

As you may remember, the City of Pittsburgh began blocking this blog in October 2012 for no apparent reason – the closest I had to an official explanation was “its just crappy web filters, Sue” from a former City employee. That’s called “scoffing” and its not a very constructive response.

Does Alleged Misconduct by Pgh Police Department Impact Local LGBTQ Community?

Yes. I’ll explain. Police relationships with the LGBTQ community have never been “good”, but certainly have been sliding downhill for the past several years. Unfortunately, there’s been an escalating “vicious cycle” of non-responsiveness to LGBTQ hate crimes in the City. Police don’t respond appropriately. People don’t report or follow through with reports. Crimes remain unsolved […]

This Week in LGBTQ – February 24, 2013

The New York Times reported on a study that found that the effects of bullying last into adulthood. Individuals who were bullied are more than 4x likely to have an anxiety disorder as an adult. Bullies who were also victims were 14.5x more likely to have a similar disorder  A Puerto Rican court has ruled […]

When Do We Talk About Poverty in the LGBTQ Community?

It is only fitting that days after Amazon releases an “inclusive” commercial for their new Kindle, I am led to a series exploring the lives of transgender persons living on the brink (or deeply enmeshed in) poverty. The cause? Often related to their gender identity, especially in a fragile economy. “Transgender financial struggle: ‘How We […]

France National Assembly Paves Way for Marriage Equality, Adoption Equality

France National Assembly Paves Way for Marriage Equality, Adoption Equality

From the Washington Post: After months of philosophical debate and massive street demonstrations for and against, the French National Assembly on Tuesday authorized same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples, despite France’s long history as a homeland for Roman Catholic tradition. The legislation, passed 329 to 229 with 10 abstentions, was France’s most far-reaching social […]

Rallies for Public Education, Transit This Week in Pittsburgh

Sunday afternoon marks the “Rally for Public Education 2013” at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty. The organizers plan to review the public education elements in the Corbett Budget and discuss the ongoing battle to preserve quality public education resources for all children. Featuring: • performances by Anne Feeney, Vanessa German, the Squirrel Hillbillies, and […]

FMLA for the LGBTQ Community

2013 is the twentieth anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act. Having had to use this leave one time, I am very grateful it exists. However, many people do not realize the limitations of the Act. From the HRC Because federal law does not recognize same-sex relationships, the FMLA does not require employers to provide […]

LGBT Rally

LGBT Rally

Yesterday I bundled up and attended a rally for two women who self-described themselves as studs, and who were allegedly assaulted inside a South Side bar. The crowd that turned out was diverse, which is a good thing. I’m not naive to think that there still isn’t some separation between the black LGBT community and the white […]

He Said Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall …

He Said Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall …

Yes, he did … We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and […]