Happy Birthday To Me; Send My Present to The White House

I was so energized by the President’s stellar performance last night – defending MY family – that I set up a little fundraiser. Can you help me celebrate my 42nd birthday (Oct 22) with a modest $5 donation? That’s all I ask – the cost of treating me to a cup of coffee or a […]

Post-Gazette Reminds Us That Most LGBT PA Residents Can Be Fired For Being Gay

Post-Gazette Reminds Us That Most LGBT PA Residents Can Be Fired For Being Gay

It is always worth repeating this mantra – we can be fired based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. The Post-Gazette took some time to do this. In nearly 70% of the state, there is no protection. Your boss can fire you for being gay. Your landlord can refuse to renew your lease. […]

Remaining Relevant

Remaining Relevant

Earlier in the week, I was asked by a member of the local media to comment on how LGBT issues are playing out in this election.  I gave it quite a bit of thought, but in the end I opted not to contribute. Why? Well, I could have pulled something out of the air about […]

Biden v Ryan – The Dems Come Roaring Back

Biden v Ryan – The Dems Come Roaring Back

At least in my opinion, Biden slaughtered Ryan. Ryan is smart, a good talker and knows the data. He just doesn’t have a plan to defend – only talking points. Even he looked embarrassed and frustrated. The only time he seemed at ease was answering the question most pertinent to the LGBT community – the […]

Sharing Our Communities With Our Homeless Neighbors

Where and how we provide basic support to our homeless neighbor is a NIMBY battle dating back to the day of separate entrances and so forth. And the recent failure on the part of City residents to embrace their most vulnerable neighbors reflects the fact that the private safety net is a total illusion and […]

Sarah Silverman on Voter ID

Sarah Silverman on Voter ID

Mitt Romney – We Are The 47% …

Mitt Romney – We Are The 47% …

Mitt Romney may have nailed the coffin shut on his Presidential run with the release of this horrifying commentary about Americans. More details here.     “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent […]

United Way in Harrisburg Will No Longer Fund Boy Scouts

This is interesting and perhaps a sign of things to come …  The United Way of the Capital Region says it will stop distributing funds to the Boy Scouts council for south-central Pennsylvania unless the group allows memberships for openly gay scouts. The charity’s board of directors on Friday voted not to renew its partnership […]

Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown: The Dinner Table Debate – Video

Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown: The Dinner Table Debate – Video

Here’s the video from the dinner table debate between LGBTQ columnist and activist Dan Savage and the president of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown. http://youtu.be/oG804t0WG-c  

The Legitimacy of the Rape Debate (Trigger Warning)

It is hard to know where to begin with the wretched “legitimate rape” comment from Todd Akin, Senate candidate from Missouri. “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Akin told KTVI-TV. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. […]