Protected: Hack Job Leads to Posting Transphobic/Homophobic Photo on Pgh City Council Staff Page? UPDATED
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I grabbed this snippet summary from HRC: In May, Pennsylvania House Bill 1434 was introduced which would propose and amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution reading:” Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent […]
Congratulations to the residents, elected officials and advocates in Montgomery County’s Whitemarsh Township for establishing discrimination protections for their residents. Springfield and Lower Merion also recently enacted such ordinances for the protections of their residents’ rights to housing, employment and public accomodation. I believe that brings the statewide total up to 18 municipalities? Here’s a […]
You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged very often in 2011. Other issues, other projects and … a waning interest. I didn’t vote in November. I am starting to question some of my core beliefs and where I fit in the political continuum. I suspect slighty left and down if it is a three […]
So today I went downtown to catch up with OccupyPgh at Market Square. I had originally hoped to walk over and catch up with the march, but that didn’t work out. I’ll load my photos and tweets tomorrow. Random observations Crowd estimated by City police to be 1500 to 2000. Other assessments from 400 to […]
But I can’t tell you yet! Just Save the Date for Thurs Sept 8 from 6-7:30 PM at the Food Bank in Duquesne. It promises to be eye-opening, humbling and educational as well as fun, bonding and with great food. Policy, hunger, nutrition, and related topics. September is Hunger Activist Month. This is your chance […]
Very excited to once again be an individual sponsor of this year’s Podcamp Pittsburgh, verion 6.0. In the guide of the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project, we’ll be part of a panel with The Pittsburgh Foundation’s newest social media initiative. To find out what it is, you’ll have to attend or read oneline later. We are […]
I'm a little behind the curve, but kudos to Easton, Pennsylvania for doing what Allegheny County leadership won't by extending domestic partner benefits to your employees. Yes, I mention Allegheny County because I was genuinely shocked to read that only 5 municipalities across Pennsylvania have addressed this equal rights issue, especially given how many private sector […]
Bethlehem gave preliminary approval to the establishment of a local Human Relations Commission and the inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. A final vote is set for June. Not so fast. Steadfast sponsors of the bill voted against it as amended because it would have no investigatory powers (???) […]
Yesterday, Tenneessee Governor Bill Haslam signed into law a bill that prohibits TN municipalities from having stronger anti-discrimination laws than are in place statewide. This means Nashville's provisions including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes are invalid. No new laws can be passed unless on a statewide level. Controversy has erupted […]
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