Big News About #BlogMob At Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

Big News About #BlogMob At Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

But I can’t tell you yet!  Just Save the Date for Thurs Sept 8 from 6-7:30 PM at the Food Bank in Duquesne. It promises to be eye-opening, humbling and educational as well as fun, bonding and with great food.  Policy, hunger, nutrition, and related topics.  September is Hunger Activist Month. This is your chance […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh is Around the Corner

Podcamp Pittsburgh is Around the Corner

Very excited to once again be an individual sponsor of this year’s Podcamp Pittsburgh, verion 6.0. In the guide of the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project, we’ll be part of a panel with The Pittsburgh Foundation’s newest social media initiative.  To find out what it is, you’ll have to attend or read oneline later.  We are […]

Easton, PA Extends Domestic Partner Benefits

Easton, PA Extends Domestic Partner Benefits

I'm a little behind the curve, but kudos to Easton, Pennsylvania for doing what Allegheny County leadership won't by extending domestic partner benefits to your employees.  Yes, I mention Allegheny County because I was genuinely shocked to read that only 5 municipalities across Pennsylvania have addressed this equal rights issue, especially given how many private sector […]

Anti-Discrimination Ordinance in Bethlehem Controversial on All Fronts

Anti-Discrimination Ordinance in Bethlehem Controversial on All Fronts

Bethlehem gave preliminary approval to the establishment of a local Human Relations Commission and the inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes.  A final vote is set for June. Not so fast. Steadfast sponsors of the bill voted against it as amended because it would have no investigatory powers (???) […]

Tennessee rolls back LGBTQ protections with implications for corporate America

Tennessee rolls back LGBTQ protections with implications for corporate America

Yesterday, Tenneessee Governor Bill Haslam signed into law a bill that prohibits TN municipalities from having stronger anti-discrimination laws than are in place statewide.  This means Nashville's provisions including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes are invalid.  No new laws can be passed unless on a statewide level. Controversy has erupted […]

How the Pennsylvania Family Institute plans to “ignite” change in Pennsylvania

Over the past few days, bloggers have taken note of a piece by Andy Birkey in The American Independent describing a carefully planned campaign by “Family Policy Councils” in now Republican controlled states.  Essentially, an infusion of cash from an unidentified source will fund a three prong approach: Each family policy council has a three-prong plan […]

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

It is hard to keep up with the good stuff, but I'm sure you want to know about it …. Anti-Discrimination HB 300 sponsored by Representative Dan Frankel SB 910 sponsored by Senator Lawrence Farnese These bills will expand the Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. […]

Blog for Equality Pgh 2011 – Tuesday May 10, 2011

(scroll down for links to the 2011 Blog for Equality participating blogs) When it comes to LGBTQ equality blogswarms in Pgh, we've had good company back in 2008 and 2010.  I'm sad that we need to rally the troops once again to stand up against yet another attempt to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution in order […]

Diane Gramley and the AFA of PA weigh in on “marriage amendment”

Diane Gramley and the AFA of PA weigh in on “marriage amendment”

They have a fancy new website which makes it easier for me to find the press releases since they keep kicking me off their email lists … On HB 1434 “Representative Metcalfe understands the need to do more than simply protect the word ‘marriage.’  A strong two-part amendment is what is needed to preserve the institution […]

More on Marriage Amendment

More on Marriage Amendment

UPDATE: I didn't dig deep enough when I originally posted.  Western PA Reps Krieger and Mustio also cosponsor this legislation. My apologies. ********************************************************************** Metcalfe's plan to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution begins in the State Government Committee of which he is the Majority Chair. As Chair, he has the power to bring the amendment to a […]