A little more on GetEqual and activism in PA

A little more on GetEqual and activism in PA

From Pam's House Blend, a guest post on the increasing presence of GetEqual in the LGBTQ advocacy/activist scene.  Distraught by recent delays, LGBT activists turn to civil disobedience to encourage the passage of the Employment Non Discrimination and repeal of “Don't Ask Don't Tell”.  Groups like GetEQUAL are making their voices known though direct actions like chaining […]

Bash Back – Latest Pittsburgh Actions

Bash Back, a radical transfolk/queer group, has had two recent actions in Pittsburgh.  One involved an evangelical church that promises to cure homosexuality.  The other involved our favorite bakery, Peace Love and Little Donuts. You recall a recent favorable review published in Cue Pittsburgh?  Here's the response from people who care about these things. In the […]

The question about Adam Ravenstahl …

The question about Adam Ravenstahl …

will he have an office with a working phone?  Does ALCOSAN provide email addresses? The PG on the Peduto and Shields letter to various Ethics Boards.  Maria weighs in here.

Trib on DADT repeal – At least they quote PA Congressman Patrick Murphy

Trib on DADT repeal – At least they quote PA Congressman Patrick Murphy

The Trib …weighing in on Congressional vote to authorize DADT repeal.  During an all-day House debate on the bill approving more than $700 billion in spending for defense programs, Republicans repeated statements by military service chiefs that Congress should not act before the Pentagon completes a study on the impact of a repeal. Congress going […]

DADT Repeal Pick a camp

DADT Repeal  Pick a camp

From Pam's House Blend. 1) The don't-know-enoughs: They only get information in drips and drabs, so they have no idea of the details of the votes or the compromise.  They believe it's repealed, the discharges stop ASAP; some are open to receiving more info to clarify their view. Others find a boatload of information just […]

Steel City Stonewall Endorsement for November Primary

Steel City Stonewall Endorsement for November Primary

Preliminary information … Steel City's board has officially endorsed Sestak, Conklin and Onorato in the General Election.  Good discussion.  I'm sure the official slate will be up soon on the steel city website.  You can pick up copies at the booth during PrideFest.  The slate will contain some informaton on why voting Democratic ticket is […]

State of the Nation on DADT

State of the Nation on DADT

A post over at Daily Kos on the potental impassability of the DADT repeal and the consequences of such. These activists share not a common organizer, but rather a common complaint: “Our needs are not being addressed. We are tired of being marginalized and ignored. It is not OK to toss us out of the […]

What does the Sestak win mean for LGBTQ Pennsylvania?

What does the Sestak win mean for LGBTQ Pennsylvania?

A glimpse around the blogosphere … Pam's House Blend has a great liveblog with Joe Sestak and Lt. Dan Choi.  Here's her report on the election results. Change.org on what the Sestak victory means for LGBT equal rights. From The Huffington Post …. I suggest that a similar disgust is stewing in the guts of gays […]

ENDA national day of action

ENDA national day of action

Don't get fired — get fired up! Join Pride at Work in a national day of action, Tuesday May 18th. If you've ever made a phone call, written a letter or attended a lobby day in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), if you have ever stood up for fair treatment for all workers, […]

Mel Marin in the 3rd Congressional District — Dear Lord, He's Serious

Mel Marin in the 3rd Congressional District — Dear Lord, He's Serious

From the Tribune Review's coverage of a Democratic challenge to Congresswoman Dahlkemper who has been in office for less than one term.  I shake me head to think that people actually believe this hate and fear based rhetoric. Marin cited three stances that would be important to him if elected: • Denouncing the “homosexual agenda” […]