Q&A with Matt Dugan, Candidate for Allegheny County District Attorney

Matt Dugan

It’s important for the justice system to meet people where they are and recognize there are different  concerns/issues/fears for different communities. That’s not something that’s taught in law school, but something I’ve learned over time. Our next post of our 2023 primary election season series ‘Political Q&A’ with progressive candidates throughout Pennsylvania. Candidates can be […]

Swissvale Borough Adopts Nondiscrimination Protections, Creates Human Relations Commission

I just learned that the Borough of Swissvale passed a comprehensive human relations act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity on January 4, 2023. Ordinance #23-01 to add a Chapter to the Code of Ordinances to provide for the creation of the Swissvale Human Relations Commission and […]

Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control Urban Terror Campaign

Pittsburgh Feral Cat Trapping TNR

Pittsburgh has already begun to experience the effects of climate change with harsher winters, hotter summers, record setting precipitation, and increased numbers of invasive species. City of Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan 3.0 If you were worried that the Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control division is subject to an overabundance of oversight or accountability, I am […]

Update on Campaign Q&A’s for 2023 Primary Election – Now With More Updates!

Political Q&A

Update: as candidates/campaigns contact me, I’ll try to keep this table below current. I’m not going to revamp the math/data portion because it is intended to be a snapshot of where we were on the date of publication. Please go ahead and ask your candidates to join us! On the heels of the Stonewall Steel […]

Steel City Stonewall Democrats Select 2023 Endorsements

Steel City Stonewall Democrats

Be sure to check out the questionnaires on the SCSD website. All of them. Read all of the questions and responses. It is definitely not a fair assumption that an out LGBTQ candidate has a solid grasp on LGBTQ political history or policies. Don’t make their mistake of ignoring the facts. Educate yourself. Three of […]

I Voted for Jimmy Carter When I Was in First Grade

Jimmy Carter

In October 1976, Jimmy Carter was the Democratic nominee for President. I was five years old, in first grade at New England Elementary School. Our teacher explained to us in very basic terms how an election worked and what it meant to vote. Mrs. Moreno was her name. I’m pretty sure this was tied to […]

The Groundhog Gate Continues in Pittsburgh Thanks to Animal Care & Control

Groundhog Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control

An (un)Happy Valentines Day Thanks to City of Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control Dept

City of Pittsburgh Animal care and Control Dave Madden

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with peas, melon, and trapping groundhogs to save them from the callous disregard of Animal Care & Control, part of the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department. Callous disregard for the animals, yes. But more importantly, callous disregard for the elderly homeowner who is terrified of animals in her basement. We’ve been negotiating this […]

Ohio Based Huntington Billboards ‘Caters To Bigotry’ By Pulling Affirming Messages

Content Note: Images with racist language are in this post. Images with Nazi symbols are in this post. Remember the electronic billboards with hateful rhetoric located in Worthington, Armstrong County owned by John Placek? Here are some reminders Two updates One is that Placek teamed up with Owen Osterling to erect additional signs along Route […]

Q&A With Lita Brillman, Candidate for City Council District 5

Lita Brillman

This is how I have come to describe my campaign: Community-focused, data-driven. This is the next post of our 2023 primary election season series ‘Political Q&A’ with progressive candidates throughout Pennsylvania. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any level of office. Please note that these are not necessarily endorsements, more of an opportunity […]