A Letter About Arizona

A Letter About Arizona

Tobias has given permission for this to be published. Please read this … Friends and colleagues — I have just finished reading through the text of the law that has been enacted in Arizona targeting undocumented immigrants. I have been studying the laws of the United States and working on civil rights issues for fifteen […]

Get Equal Targets Senate Armed Forces Commititee

No one from the Pennsylvania delegation serves on this committee.  Would you participate if they did?  Would you risk arrest and/or being cited?  When I think about this, I have to keep in my mind my career as a social worker.  I have to maintain my criminal history clearances, both in PA and through the […]

Update: Protestors stage sit-in at Senator John McCain's office over DADT

Attached is the letter to Senator John McCain from First Class Petty Officer Lonnie Allen. Update 4:45 PM The protestors are not from Get Equal or Equality Across America.  They belong to an Arizona organization called HERO (Human and Equal Rights Organizers) based on Phoenix. The protestors are reported to have been arrested, cited and […]

What makes us gay? Dispute in Babette Joseph's House of Representative's race

What makes us gay? Dispute in Babette Joseph's House of Representative's race

I saw this a few days ago on Facebook, but lost track of time posting.  It was picked up by the Post-Gazette. We are all confused, meanwhile, about a state legislative race in Philadelphia, where one candidate has “outed” the other as straight. The incumbent, Rep. Babette Josephs, says her challenger in the Democratic primary, […]

Greensburg Catholic Diocese Protects Their Toys From the Gays

Greensburg Catholic Diocese Protects Their Toys From the Gays

From the Post-Gazette … The Catholic Diocese of Greensburg will no longer participate in the U.S. bishops' anti-poverty program, which some conservative activists say has funded abortion-rights and gay-rights supporters. Bishop Lawrence Brandt said he intends to create a Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund to receive the money that formerly went to the Catholic Campaign for […]

Washinton Time ENDA EDITORIAL: Discrimination is necessary Subjecting kids to weirdos undermines standards of decency

Here's the link to the usual transphobic stupidity, although this headline is pretty awful. First-graders should not be forced into the classrooms of teachers undergoing sex changes. Religious broadcasters and faith-based summer camps should not be forced to hire cross-dressers. Women should not be forced to share bathrooms with people with male body parts who […]



My brain is really tired so I'm giving this my best shot. First, the follow up from the White House DADT protest yesterday.  The protestors have been released and preliminary reports on how the transwomen and transmen were treated in the jail system are additional sadness related to this entire issue.  Additional reasons for outrage.  […]

State Rep Dan Frankel commends Obama on hospital visitation

State Rep Dan Frankel commends Obama on hospital visitation

State Rep. Dan FrankelD-Allegheny      www.pahouse.com/Frankel     Frankel applauds Obama's directive for equal hospital access for same-sex partners, commends Pa. sponsors of non-discrimination bill   HARRISBURG, April 19 – State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, applauded President Obama's recent directive to provide same-sex partners access to their loved ones in nearly all U.S. hospitals.   At […]

Breaking: Obama on Same Sex Hospital Visitation

Breaking: Obama on Same Sex Hospital Visitation

h/t Pam's House Blend The President, in an extremely positive development for LGBT families, has directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to ensure that hospitals participating in Medicaid or Medicare will allow patients to designate who may visit them as well as name their primary caretaker and decision maker. Countless tragedies have […]

Phone Banking for Joe Hoeffel

Phone Banking for Joe Hoeffel

If you'd like to get involved, phone banking is a great way to support Joe's campaign.  The office is in East Liberty and you'll get everything you'll need.  We do calls weekdays from 10am to 8:30pm, Sat 11-6, and Sun 12-7. You can sign up here.