The Meanest Town in America and a Foster Care Bill in Pennsylvania

Quite a disturing tale from Mississippi …. you remember Constance McMillen who just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom.  Then came outrage, banishment, the ACLU, court cases, media frenzy … and a fake prom.  Yes, the senior class held a “private prom” and sent Constance, her date and five special needs children to […]

Threat to Rendell: Wouldn't this be a good use of Corbett's office?

I mean really … from Gov. Rendell was among at least 30 governors to receive a letter this week from an extremist antigovernment group demanding that he resign or face being “removed from office,” according to officials in the Philadelphia office of the FBI. Rendell received the letter within the last 48 hours and […]

Civil Union Legislation May Be Introduced in PA House

From the Philly Gay News … A Pennsylvania lawmaker is gathering legislative support for a bill that would make civil unions for same-sex couples a reality in the Keystone State. The measure, the first of its kind in the Pennsylvania legislature, is being spearheaded by Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Cohen (D-202nd Dist.). Cohen said he’s so […]

Meanwhile, outside of Pennsylvania …

Stuff is going on . From Pam's House Blend …more on the role of the Human Rights Campaign and the repeal of DADT.  Things are a bit strained.  Sheesh. While admin officials say repeal is the way to go, the DOJ files briefs in legal cases.  Ahhhh. LGBT Point of View thinks Code Pink has […]

Of endorsements …

The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting was held Sunday afternoon on the Northshore. For a glimpse into “live” coverage, check out the hashtag PghGayPick.  I was a little caught up in the 140 character frenzy because I wrote most of these tweets and can't interpret a few of them 🙂  Kudos to tweeps @Bram_R and @Maria_In_Pgh (who […]

PghGayPick TODAY

The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting is here, today and I'm pretty excited. How fare we've come since I was the lone blogger reporting from last year's event. This year we'll have a variety of instantaneous feedback via the various tweeps planning to attend (hashtag #PghGayPick) along with the usual bloggers. What's most exciting is […]

Western PA Round Up

This is what caught my eye this morning … The military thinks we are stupid enough to accept a faux-relaxing of policies in lieu of real reform on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. You still aren't supposed to tell, but now if a third party tells on you — they aren't so quick to take action.  […]

Because it *is* about more than LGBT rights … Vote for Joe Hoeffel

Joe Hoeffel for Governor

Quick update on Onorato …

Today, I was unsuccessful in getting the Onorato campaign or executive office to provide follow up information to the reports of a commission to provide domestic partner benefits to Allegheny County.  One gay supporter confirmed the existance of the commission, but could not name its members.  So I’ve tried another round of contacts with the […]

Potter on Quinn: Gay Sex Unsanitary?

Just a quick nod to our friend, the wonderful Mr. Potter over at Slag Heap. In a gesture of bipartisan conciliation, I've been trying to find an upside for conservatives in all this, and I think I've found one, thanks to lefty media watchdog group Media Matters (motto: “We listen to Glenn Beck so you […]