Big Day/Week of Pink Advocacy: Pgh Part of History

Pennsylvania has been part of history this week with a groundswell of action to successfully squelch the Marriage Protection Amendment (plus, our own Pgh Blog for Equality).  Yeah, us! Today, eyes turned first to the Internet, then DC, then more to DC and now as I type … across the nation. The day started with […]

ENDA Blogswarm: Protect Our Jobs

ENDA Blogswarm:  Protect Our Jobs

Bilerico has asked bloggers to “swarm” around ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. House Speaker Pelosi is holding up this legislation which would provide employment protections based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Why We Need To Demand ENDA Now We know that Speaker Pelosi is sympathetic to our cause. Clearly, she needs encouragement, […]

Liberty City Democratic Club posts candidate questionnaires

The candidates questionnaires are up at the Liberty City Democratic Club site.  I like how they handle this – all of the candidates in each race are listed so you can see clearly which candidates took the time to respond and which did not.  Now granted they misspelled his name, but how can Arlen Specter […]

Guest Piece Published on Pennsylvania Progressive

Guest Piece Published on Pennsylvania Progressive

Hey, always nice to be promoted by other blogs.  The Pennsylvania Progressive published a guest post about a Pgh queer perspective on Onorato.  Check it out.  You probably won't be surprised 🙂

Blogging for Equality

Blogging for Equality

  A marriage amendment has sprung up again in Pennsylvania. Its any easy way to pander to the right-wing conservatives who seem to populate this state. As has been practiced throughout history, fear is always a great way for a politician to get points with the constituents. I have been reading a great book about […]

Life Goes On: Blog for Equality 2010

I don't think there's much I can add on the “Marriage Protection” amendment that I haven't covered in the past 4+ years. You have the contact information.  We need you to call today. Today is the day. Sunday, I woke up at 7:30 AM, let out the dogs, put on the coffee and grabbed the […]

Liberty City Endorsement

Liberty City Endorsement

The Liberty City Democratic Club endorsement is just around the corner 2010 Primary Candidate Nights Candidates for the 2010 Primary are invited to address our membership at the following meetings: Thursday March 18th – US Congress, State Representatives Monday March 22nd – Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senate, US Senate Contact Matthew Woodcock, Chair of the […]

Pgh Blog for Equality 2010 – Tomorrow

Reminder to log in tomorrow to see what the blogosphere has to say about the PA “Marriage Amendment.” I do not know how many blogs are participating, but I hope we can count on your support.  Please consider updating your Facebook status or Twitter status and it would be great if you change your Facebook […]

Can Daryl Metcalfe get any wingnuttier?

Can Daryl Metcalfe get any wingnuttier?

As you recall, Metcalfe is running for Lt. Governor. In spite of his lofty looney ideals, he's also pragmatically running for his House seat, too.  Cause powerful is as powerful does.  Something like that. Metcalfe told the Post-Gazette that he isn't about to be some namby-pamby Lt. Governor. He'll govern like a man, for God's sake (literally).  […]

Enough is enough. Tell the PA Senate to put a stop to discrimination.

I don't often pull over in the middle of the work day to make a phone call, but today was an exception.  When I received an email about a potential vote on the so-called “Marriage Protection” amendment, I dialed fellow blogger Maria Lupinacci of 2 Political Junkies and asked her to help me organize a […]