Update from Steel City Stonewall

Some news from our friends at Steel City.  Two ways for you to get involved. A movie night at Cattivo and a Bonfire.  How fun is that!  I haven't done a bonfire in years and years.  Ironically, I was moaning to Lance about the events all being in smoking venues.  Lo and behold, an actual […]

Michelle Obama and the LGBT delegates and other convention stuff

Some interesting tidbits for your political viewing pleasure.  Michelle Obama addressed over 600 LGBT delegates at a luncheon cosponsored by Congressman Barney Frank and the Victory Fund.  Is this a sign of things to come?    Pam's House Blend has this live coverage of the speech.  Frank in his opening remarks, noted that no Democrat […]

Melissa Hart is now my friend

On Facebook.  I love Facebook and have over 140 friends.  I found Melissa Hart's page through a former LDI classmate, Monica Douglas, who is currently the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Allegheny County.  It will be interesting to see what this new friendship means.  I'm also friends with DeSantis and Mark (of course).  Peduto […]

GLBT Insurance, Employment Protections and Advocacy Frustrations

I promised myself that I would not be blogging politically for the foreseeable future b/c my frustration with the state of LGBT advocacy in Western Pennsylvania is just off the scale.  I have little objectivity b/c it is my actual life and livelihood and living conditions that have been cast aside in favor of bigger […]

Final Update on PA’s so-called Marriage Protection Amendment

Final nail in the coffin.  For this round. Courtesy of Equality Advocates: The Pennsylvania legislature adjourned for its summer recess in the first week of July without any further action on the proposed Constitutional amendment, SB 1250. The legislation attempted to prohibit legal recognition of non-marital relationships in Pennsylvania including marriages of same-sex couples and […]

Obama and Faith Based Anything: I Knew It!

Color me not surprised by this little pronouncement from Mr. Theocracy. Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans that would expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and – in a move sure to cause controversy – support their ability to hire and fire […]

Domestic Registry Passes First Hurdle

As reported by the PG web-edition, City Council gave a thumbs up on the first vote for the domestic partner registry.  The lone naysayer was the Reverend Ricky Burgess.  Final vote will be next week.  No word on how the Mayor feels about all this registry stuff, but it appears veto proof at this stage of […]

Correction on the Campaign Event for Luke Ravenstahl

I have been informed that individuals invited to the LGBT luncheon with Luke Ravenstahl are not being required to make a campaign contribution.  They are invited to do so, as their discretion. I don't know all the ins and outs of these sort of invitations, so I'm going to take this information at its word.  […]

Luke and the Gay Luncheon … You Knew There Was More To The Story …

As we discussed earlier in the week, plans are underway for LGBT “supporters of Luke” to get together with him over lunch to discuss LGBT issues.  A few key LGBT designated leaders have been invited.  This was confirmed by local LGBT business owner and chair of the Delta Foundation, Gary Van Horn, in the comments […]

Ulf, Canine Cop, Responsible for Every Civil Rights Violation in the History of Pittsburgh

What's more important for local social justice – the stability of the Thomas Merton Center or the culpability of a dead police dog?  I'd like to ask Carole Weidmann that question.  Carole's pants were ripped during an anti-war protest a few years ago and the culprit may have been Ulf, the dog who was shot […]