Be part of the conversation – WQED invites us to a chat with Jim Lehrer

WQED asked me to let you know that we are invited us over for a chat with Jim Lehrer.  They are the weekly host of one of our favorite het-men, John McIntire so it should be good times.  I'm not always a personal fan of Chris Moore's moderating style (he talks over people), but I […]

Don’t Buy Cupcakes at the Priory Bakery: Bar owners target LGBT ally Brenda Frazier

The CP bloggers have done a nice job summarizing an attempt by a newly formed bar-owned PAC, HosPAC, to punish Brenda Frazier in her current campaign by launching a “Don't Vote for Brenda Frazier” campaign of their own.  Her crime?  The drink tax. “I just don't buy it that there's no alternative to balance the […]

More on Obama Balking

The Philadelphia Gay News follows up on their decision to leave blank space on their front page allocated to Barack Obama's interview, plus some insight as to how the Advocate interview just isn't the same.

Is Steel City Stonewall Diluting Its Own Endorsement?

As this group finds its footing in the party and the region, I have for the most part been impressed with the new leadership (and recent leadership). I'm particularly pleased that they have invested some resources on issues as opposed to just elections.  It is important that LGBT Democrats send a clear message to our elected […]

PG poll on Marriage Protection Amendment

Through 4/15/2008, you can vote in the Post Gazette poll on the marriage amendment. As of tonight, 1,820 responses .. A. Yes – 627 (34%) B. No – 1136 (62%) C. Don't care – 57 (3%)

The Amendment Hearing – Reports from the Field

Having read both the article in the Post-Gazette and the one in the Tribune-Review, I must say I came away with a sort of “it all came out equal in the end” impression — namely, that it was a draw. That's not what folks in the LGBTQ community are saying. Reports from various sources tell […]

Obama: The Advocate Interview

I can't get past Obama inviting Donnie McClurkin on his swing throug the south tour.  I can't swallow his alliance with an avowed “ex-gay” determined to convert/heal me from my sexual orientation.  It is a very personal issue for me. That being said, Obama has an interesting interview with The Advocate.  Everyone should follow the […]

Hillary’s Homos: Clinton Announces PA LGBT Steering Committee

Philadelphia, PA – Today, Pennsylvanians for Hillary Clinton announced the formation of its statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Steering Committee for Hillary which consists of dozens of LGBT leaders throughout the Keystone state. The steering committee will host a kick-off event at Woody’s Bar and Grill on April 12th with special guest recording […]

Even more on PA so called “Marriage Protection Amendment”

A lot to impart so bear with me. First, the hearing.  If you cannot attend, you can submit written testimony.  This comes from Sue Frietsche, Pittsburgh's Women's Law Project go-to-woman.  I am still trying to determine if you can email it.  Ledcat and I are working on a joint letter. It can be in letter […]

More on Thursday’s Hearing

Word trickled out Sunday about the upcoming Pgh hearing on SB 1250 which would amend the constitution of PA to permanently ban gay marriage.  And other stuff, too.  But no one on the right is talking about the negative backlash for their families beyond the voo doo protection from homo marriage. I have had a […]