Pgh Public Hearing on SB 1250

Courtesy of Steel City Stonewall Democrats comes this news. Value All Families – Keep Discrimination out of Our State Constitution! Please come to the public hearing in Pittsburgh on Thursday, April 10th and tell Pennsylvania Senate Members to vote NO on Senate Bill 1250. Senate Bill 1250 is a Constitutional Amendment which would ban gay […]

Pittsburgh Blog for Equality Day 2008 – a lesbian perspective

I've been wracking my brains all weekend for an approach to this day. You've read all the facts about the legislation attempting to amend the PA constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  It has the potential to hurt a lot of people, gay and straight alike.  You've read all the […]

Letting the People Decide on Civil Rights .. Well, That’s Worked Out Well Hasn’t It?

Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, is an ignorant pea brained jerk.  And that's me in a mellow mood.  The PG published his letter to the editor (and NOT mine).  He makes two points in response to the PG's editorial that the “marriage protection” amendment is unnecessary (and redundant) First, [t]he PG editors […]

Pittsburgh Blog for Equality

****UPDATE **** A big thanks to all the wonderful members of the Burghosphere who participated in this first ever Pgh Blog for Equality.  We had a few folks join in at the last minute.  Here are the links to the participating posts in no particular order.  Thanks also to those who promoted the event.  this […]

Rock on, Joe Brandtner of Beechview

I called my State Senator's office yesterday (Fontana) and discovered that I was the first person to thank him for voting against SB 1250, the Anti-Gay Family Amendment.  The first person.  What the heck is up with that?  Why aren't people calling?  Actually, plenty of people, just people from the christo-bigot flavored variety, are calling.  […]

Zen Buddhist Priest Opposes SB 1250

Short, but sweet.  Have you written your letter to the editor, yet? Senate Bill 1250, the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment, is in direct violation of my religious beliefs as a Zen Buddhist priest (“Panel OKs Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage,” March 19). I am a strong advocate of marriage and live under a strict ethical […]

Iraq and Shield: City Papers Homos It Up This Week

I love when there's good gay stuff in the City Paper.  It reminds me that journalists with actual journalistic street cred pay attention to our community and find us interesting and informative. I fully expected the paper to cover Doug Shields' showdown with Sally Kerns. I was kinda disappointed they gave Diane Gramley so many […]

PA Senate Judiciary Committee Votes OK on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

Well, we lost this round.  Our local allies, Jay Costa and Wayne Fontana, voted no, but even with Republican Jane Earll they couldn't prevent the “marriage protection” amendment from being voted out of committee.  The legislation heads for the Appropriations Committee and then to the floor of the full Senate. Here's how the vote went down.  […]

Gertrude Stein Club of Pittsburgh Announces Endorsements

The Gertrude Stein Club of Greater Pittsburgh is a non-partisan political club. Pennsylvania House of Representatives          district 19    Jake Wheatley                 21    Brenda Frazier                 23    Dan Frankel                  24    Joseph Preston                 27    John Paul Jones     U.S. Congress        district  14     Mike Doyle                18     Beth Hafer     Pa. State Treasurer                       Rob McCord   […]

Pgh City Council Prez Response to Rep. Sally Kern

h/t  Slag Heap   Representative Sally Kern 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 332 Oklahoma City, OK 73105   Ms. Kern:       Today I listened to your remarks ( ) related  to your views on gay, lesbian, bisexual and  transgendered people (GLBT).  I was thoroughly disgusted by what you had to say and astonished that someone who presumably […]