Why an Anti-gay State Rep from Oklahoma matters to your average Pittsburgh Homo

You've probably heard the story.  2 Political Junkies broke it here in the Burghosphere.  To sum it up, Oklahoma Republican and State Rep Sally Kern made some inflammatory comments before a GOP audience, including the rather silly claim that homosexuals have taken over Pittsburgh City Government.   The rest of her comments are the same outrageous […]

Pittsburgh Gay Democrats Endorse Hillary Clinton

Steel City Stonewall Democrats have endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.  (That link won't be good forever — Steel City doesn't archive their “news” very effectively.)  Interestingly, the group includes a list of LGBT issues that paint Clinton and Obama pretty much neck and neck. So how did Hillary come out ahead?  What is it about Hillary […]

Queerty on Obama’s Gay Backers

In honor of my new friend Kris Rust, here's a look at what some prominent queers are saying about their support for Obama.  It is an interesting read.  But note that all three interviewees are men.  I”m still looking for input from lesbian Obama supporters.

Foundation for Moral Law to Challenge PA Hate Crimes Statute

Guess who is rolling into town?  Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore and his posse of homo hatin' legal eagles.  Moore, you may recall, wanted to slather Alabama Courthouses with the 10 Commandments.  Ironically, he's narrowed his focus to homosexuals, a group noticeably absent from said Commandments.  Hmmm.  I guess he's moved on to Leviticus.  Anyhoo, […]

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

It is back.  According to Equality Advocates, the legislation to start the constitutional amendment process roared back to life on Valentine's Day.  Just yesterday, SB 1250, the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” was published and referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate.  There are 17 co-sponsors, the same number as last time.  Four Republican Senators who […]

Local Trans Advocate Pens Letter to the Post-Gazette

Here's further evidence of the “Pittsburgh is a good place to be queer” mantra that I've oft repeated.  In response to the recent media coverage of the rescue of Rebecca Hare, longtime trans advocate Dr. Emilia Lombardi shares her thoughts with the readers of the Post-Gazette.  Lombardi praises Pittsburgh's first-responders for their sensitivity to Hare's […]

Steel-City Stonewall 2008 Slate and Board Elections

Now is the time to get involved.  Go to www.steel-city.org for information on how to join so you can vote for the new members of the Board AND the slate for 2008.  I just like to rhyme slate and 2008.  It has been a long day.  What can I say? Here's the press release for […]

I was for Edwards. Now what?

I am seriously flummoxed by the decision to be made — Obama or Clinton.  A lot of my progressive friends are very pro-Obama.  And I find that I *want* to be on his team, too.  But I just can't make the leap.  Thanks to Steel City Stonewall Democrats for links to some comparisons on LGBTQ […]

Shout to Gertude Stein Club … just because

I haven't blogged about the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh in a long while.  Their next meeting is on Valentine's Day at 7 PM at the United Cerebal Palsy space in Oakland.  Follow the weblink for more specifics. This is a nifty little organization that hangs in tenaciously to ensure that pro-LGBT (among […]

One Teeny Update on Will of Council and State Marriage Amendment

As you recall from Tuesday, City Council voted 7-0 to support state legislation including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity/gender expression” into the classes protected under the PA Human Relations Act.  Motznik and Payne were out of the room during the vote, hence the 7. My sources tell me that both Motznik and Payne co-sponsored this […]