Steel City Stonewall Democrats Statement on Hijacked Email

Earlier today, someone apparently hacked into the website of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats and sent a very strange rumor out that a local LGBTQ businessowner is a rightwing Republican along with the thinly veiled suggestion that patronizing those businesses would fill the coffers of George Bush.  Something like that. It took me about two minutes […]

Text of Bruce Kraus’ Address Upon His Swearing In

Speech given by Bruce Kraus, Pittsburgh's first openly gay City Councilmember, upon his swearing in on January 7, 2008. “All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” Robert Kennedy  These […]

Lift them and their loved-ones

Here's something.  Today, Bruce Kraus was sworn in along with other new City Council members Patrick Dowd and Ricky Burgress.  Doug Shields was reelected as City Council President without the vote of Tonya Payne.  Maria of 2 Political Junkies called Kraus' speech “very inspirational.” Mr. Kraus, who is openly gay, cited gay rights icon Harvey […]

AFA of PA turn attention to national lesbian blogger

If anyone is hard at work on the homosexual agenda, it is Pam Spaulding.  Founder of Pam's House Blend, Spaulding works tirelessly to explore the true life of the contemporary LGBT community.  Her blog has received national recognition and attracts thousands of visitors each day. Spaulding is also a contributing editor at other blogs, including […]

This Week in Gay Prez Politics

You should keep up with this stuff.  John Edwards on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell …we should do it, sayeth he with no details on *how* to do it … Mitt Romney continues to hate on the gays   Several gay-themed questions have been submitted for Wednesday's Republican Debate on CNN-YouTube. Stay tuned for periodic […]

PA Court Says Expansion of Hate Crimes Law Unconstitutional

Not much time to blog tonight, but you should know about this.  The Commonwealth Court struck down language that expanded hate-crimes legal protections for persons based on sexual orientation and physical disability.  Repent America and beloved psycho-Christian Michael Macavage took the Legislature to task for adding these protections onto an agricultural bill. Here's what Pam […]

The Morning After … Debra Todd, ENDA and

I'm sure by now you've made the rounds of the usual suspects … Comet, Burgher, Junkies, McIntire, Smoke Ball … I could go on and on …. frankly, I didn't have the gumption to drag my ass out of bed any earlier than usual to Wednesday morning quarterback the election — with a gay twist.  […]

Does He or Does He Not? Gay Leaders Remain Mum on Ravenstahl and Civil Unions

10 a.m. at Lesbian Central and I'm taking a coffee break to review the blogs as we head into election day …the Burgh Report, 2PJ's, the Comet, the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat and even our dearest Ms. Mon. What I cannot do for you, dear readers, is clarify if Mayor Ravenstahl has had a “Come to Jesus” […]

It is 7 PM and Luke is reportedly now in favor of civil unions

Well, I am the suckiest lesbian correspondent ever.  It is five hours post Luke/homo meeting and not a single one of my contacts has, well, contacted me.  Meanwhile over at The Burgh Report, the Burgher has the scoop … wait for it … Luke now supports civil unions.  Apparently, he was confused by the question.  […]

Endorsements You Should Know About

Setting aside the Mayoral race for a few inches … consider what the Gertrude Stein Club of Pittsburgh and the Steel City Stonewall Democrats. It is a little confusing figuring out the actual slate for the General Election, but you can follow through to read the questionnaires for yourself. Last spring, the Allegheny County Democratic Committee […]