Luke and the Gays – Who Got Invited to the Party?

From comments Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve by steelcitydyke on Mon 05 Nov 2007 10:57 AM EST |  Profile |  Permanent Link   First of all your worries about me on the stonewall Dems can be at rest I am not a member however have been invited […]

Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve

It would seem that Luke's people realized what a huge gaffe he made last week by saying he does not favor civil unions.  Thus, he has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the Steel City Stonewall Democrats at 2:30 PM Monday.  To clarify.  Apparently, Luke has stated that he doesn't know what a civil union […]

This Pittsburgh Lesbian Endorses Mark DeSantis

I endorse Mark DeSantis for Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh.   

DeSantis says Yes to Civil Unions, Ravenstahl says No

I missed the debate last night, but have had multiple folks email me this morning with this very importantpoint. When questioned about inclusiveness of the LGBTQ community in the City, the mayoral candidates were asked to specifically state their positions on “gay unions” and “gay marriage.” Luke Ravenstahl stated that he does not support gay […]

Barney Frank is coming to town

Dear Friends, Steel-City Stonewall Democrats and Congressman Mike Doyle would like to invite you to a Special Event with Representative Barney Frank of the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts. This is a casual meet and greet event with the Founder of the Stonewall Democrats, Rep. Barney Frank. Please join us at the home of Christine […]

Round Up …kids, politics, films and …lesbians

The Post-Gazette has a nice story on the impact of Gay Straight Alliances (GSA's) on local youth.  My favorite quote: “Prejudice begins at home, but I truly believe people can be educated.” The City Paper's Melissa Meinzer explores what H.B. 1400 could mean for Pennsylvanians.  This legislation expands discrimination protections to sexual orientation, gender identity and […]

AFA of PA spinning hate on H.B. 1400 — what are you doing?

Give it up for Diane Gramley, prez and proponent of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania.  She works hard to get her message of hate and intolerance out into the Pennsylvania heartland , be it letter to the editor or press release. She's everywhere the homos should be. Are you? Gramley sent out this snarky […]

Most people like gays sayeth the polls; Duquesne University flips off Planned Parenthood

Here's some good news from the Post-Gazette's wonderful L.A. Johnson < is L.A.a man or woman? does it matter other than for my pronoun selection?> A majority of U.S. citizens support equal treatment for gay people, a recent Harris Interactive poll reports. About 56 percent of straight Americans 18 and older believe people should be […]

Do we earn the privilege of being gay?

From today's Post-Gazette, a letter written by Kurt Colborn of Swisshelm Park: I have to agree with Sen. Larry Craig's claim that he is not gay. People have forgotten that “gay” is a term of liberation. Being gay means having the maturity to accept yourself as you are. It also means having the courage to […]

Debate over trans inclusion is creating fissures at the national level, too.

You may have been keeping up, via blog or email, with the ongoing debate around the local lesbian community's acceptance and inclusion of transwomen.  It has been contentious and brought to light some long-standing fissures around gender identity that fall loosely along generation lines — almost a second wave v third wave debate, but not […]