Gay sex havens, ginormous strollers and Larry Craig

Gay sex havens, ginormous strollers and Larry Craig

Bradley S. Gelder of Point Breeze is not a fan of police officers staking out public restrooms noted as gay sex havens.  Even more disturbing and surprising than the continuing homophobic right-wing hypocrisy exemplified by the Sen. Larry Craig story (“Idaho Senator Stepping Aside,” Sept. 2) is that police departments continue to waste their time […]

Mike Rogers – Outing Hypocrites One Blog Post at a Time

Mike Rogers – Outing Hypocrites One Blog Post at a Time

I like Mike Rogers, the author of  Rogers uses his powers for good, outing hypocritical legislators who hide in their pathetic closets while publicly voting against gay rights.  From a profile in the Washington Post: For three years now, he's been a feared one-man machine, “outing,” he says, nearly three dozen senior political and […]

Breaking News — Jerry Lewis uses “fag” on the air during live telethon …

Breaking News — Jerry Lewis uses “fag” on the air during live telethon …

h/t Ms. Monongahela I did not see this myself, primarily because I would rather gouge my eyes out with a stick than sit through 78 hours of Jerry Lewis.  Instead, I went shopping. It seems I missed quite a moment today.  Jerry Lewis refers to someone in the audience as “Jesse, an illiterate fag” while […]

Idaho Senator to Resign; GOP Pats Itself On Back for Saving Family Values … Again

Idaho Senator to Resign; GOP Pats Itself On Back for Saving Family Values … Again

Well, surprise!  Larry Craig is supposed to announce his resignation this morning, according to the AP.  The GOP is scrambling like mad b/c this puts a safe seat up for grabs.  Well, technically they'll get a GOP appointee in to finish Craig's term and then the seat is up in the air in 2008.  So […]

Have you heard about that dude in Idaho?

Have you heard about that dude in Idaho?

So, there's this Senator from Idaho.  Maybe you've heard about him?  I've had a ton of email messages asking me when I'll blog about it.  I did a segment on McIntire yesterday.  And I've spoken at length with all the important homos in my life about the whole situation.  Here's my quick summary: First, hypocrite […]

Pittsburgh Organizing Group Fasts Against War and Military Recruitment

Pittsburgh Organizing Group Fasts Against War and Military Recruitment

The Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) recently announced plans to launch a month-long fast in September at the front door of the Oakland military recruiting station. The goal of this fast and camp-out is simple: To contribute to the movement working for the immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq, and an end to military […]

The Groundbreaking LGBTQ Presidential Forum on LOGO

The Groundbreaking LGBTQ Presidential Forum on LOGO

I didn't see it.  We don't have cable here at Lesbian Central, so we miss out on all sorts of things like The L Word, Queer as Folk and, well, the entire lineupon LOGO.  I've never seen The Sopranos or pretty much any of its peers.  (Don't cry for us — we trade a cable […]

CPRB and Free Speech?

CPRB and Free Speech?

Beth Pittinger, Executive Director of the Citizen Police Review Board and longtime friend to local activists, seems to have changed her tune of late.  Usually on the frontline defending members of the Pittsburgh Organizing Group and other local activists from police-driven infringements on their right to assemble, Pittinger's sensibilities have been offended by local animal […]

Catching up on a few random LGBT things

Catching up on a few random LGBT things

My favorite Christian-flavored homobigot, Diane Gramley of the PA American Family Association, had a little missive published last week in the North section of the Post-Gazette.  This time she rallies to the defense of the poor Boy Scouts being persecuted for their own homobigotry.  I'd post a quote but it is really rather a rambly […]

Pittsburgh’s Pet Limit Law — Why hasn’t anyone brought this up?

Pittsburgh’s Pet Limit Law — Why hasn’t anyone brought this up?

Ahem. From the Pittsburgh Municipal Code: § 633.12 NUMBER OF PETS PERMITTED IN CITY LIMITS; EXCEPTIONS. No person or residence shall be permitted to own, harbor or maintain more than five (5) dogs or cats or any combination thereof within City limits. This section shall not affect any person or residence whose number of dogs, […]