Won’t You Please Help Dan Frankel Protect the LGBT Community?

An open letter from one very cool chick with the Women's Law Project … please use the email link or pick up your phone to speak up on this issue.  Especially those of you who live outside of the City of Pittsburgh.  Note:  this legislation includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.  I would […]

LGBTQ Round Up — ENDA, rude Republicans,and Catholic Charities

A few things you might find interesting … The vote to mark up the ENDA has been postponed due to mounting pressure from LGBTQ groups to reinstate protections based on gender identity.  “The step taken today by the committee to delay action on the substitute bill is a clear demonstration of the strength of grassroots organizing […]

2 Town Hall Meetings on Legislation to Limit Discrimination

Both will be October 4.  First, at 12 noon, State Rep Dan Frankel is hosting a town hall meeting to discuss PA House Bill 1400. State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, will host a landmark public hearing Oct. 4 in Pittsburgh on his bill (H.B. 1400) that would protect people who live or work in Pennsylvania […]

End War Fast Brokers Deal with City; Potter Chimes In

Some satisfactory news on the civil liberties front here in Pittsburgh – the City Police have reached an accord with the Pittsburgh Organizing Group and individuals participating in the “End War Fast” protest outside of the Oakland military recruiting bastion.  These groups had previously filed a lawsuit against the City claiming police officers were violating their […]

Condi Rice Shares House and Line of Credit a/another Woman — Does it matter?

Yesterday, I received 8 kajillion email messages informing me that public documents reveal that Secretary of State Rice has been co-owner of a house with documentary maker, Randy Bean (Rice and Bean — imagine the hay McIntire will make with that one?).  Does this mean she's a lesbian? Maybe, maybe not — but it does […]

End War Fast and Arrest

As expected, the CP covers the ongoing End War Fast targeting the military recruitment center in Oakland.  As you can imagine, the police are being less than cooperative and, apparently the protestors are depriving Oaklanders of greasy fast food, photocopies and overpriced bandaids.  Darn them!  Imagine the exercise of civil rights getting in the way of commerce […]

Gay sex havens, ginormous strollers and Larry Craig

Bradley S. Gelder of Point Breeze is not a fan of police officers staking out public restrooms noted as gay sex havens.  Even more disturbing and surprising than the continuing homophobic right-wing hypocrisy exemplified by the Sen. Larry Craig story (“Idaho Senator Stepping Aside,” Sept. 2) is that police departments continue to waste their time […]

Mike Rogers – Outing Hypocrites One Blog Post at a Time

I like Mike Rogers, the author of BlogActive.com.  Rogers uses his powers for good, outing hypocritical legislators who hide in their pathetic closets while publicly voting against gay rights.  From a profile in the Washington Post: For three years now, he's been a feared one-man machine, “outing,” he says, nearly three dozen senior political and […]

Breaking News — Jerry Lewis uses “fag” on the air during live telethon …

h/t Ms. Monongahela I did not see this myself, primarily because I would rather gouge my eyes out with a stick than sit through 78 hours of Jerry Lewis.  Instead, I went shopping. It seems I missed quite a moment today.  Jerry Lewis refers to someone in the audience as “Jesse, an illiterate fag” while […]

Idaho Senator to Resign; GOP Pats Itself On Back for Saving Family Values … Again

Well, surprise!  Larry Craig is supposed to announce his resignation this morning, according to the AP.  The GOP is scrambling like mad b/c this puts a safe seat up for grabs.  Well, technically they'll get a GOP appointee in to finish Craig's term and then the seat is up in the air in 2008.  So […]