Pgh on Hate Crimes

Pgh on Hate Crimes

 I completely missed this.  The Post-Gazette ran an editorial on May 21 opposing extending federal hate crimes legislation to include sexual orientation and gender identity. At the end of the day, we are troubled by making distinctions that implicitly give a greater importance to one crime over a similar one simply because of the motivation […]

John Edwards Answers “Gay Issues” Questionnaire from the HRC

John Edwards Answers “Gay Issues” Questionnaire from the HRC

Courtesy of Pam's House Blend I think these answers are consistent with what we've heard so far from John Edwards, along with an clear statement that he supports the repeal of DOMA, which is what stands in the way of marriage equality on paper. Every single candidate who is in favor of civil unions cannot […]



Two big McIntire lesbian items of note … First, I'll be around 2:20 this afternoon to chat about Mary Cheney and Heather Poe's baby son.  Second, I got a nice shout out as a “sometimes political” blogger who confirmed Bruce Kraus' gayness.  If you want to know who else is gay, but not open about it […]

Sunday Round Up’ – Politics, Nudie Lesbians and the Loss of A Community Icon

Sunday Round Up’ – Politics, Nudie Lesbians and the Loss of A Community Icon

The Post-Gazette reports that local gay business owner and community advocate, Jay Bernard, has passed away.  Jay and his business partner Bill Stanhope owned Jay Design in Lawrenceville.  Jay was the founder of the Boys of Lawrenceville “a benevolent organization of gay men” and the author of a monthly column about pet adoption.  I've heard […]

Bush, Pope, and Ahmadinejad included on homophobic Hall of Shame

Bush, Pope, and Ahmadinejad included on homophobic Hall of Shame

h/t Pam's House Blend Today is International Day Against Homophobia. LGBT groups in more than 50 countries will participate in the initiative, which was launched in 2005 to mark the day in 1990 when the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of disorders. I work for a mental health provider that just extended […]

Gaylettres to the Editor and other gay stuff

Gaylettres to the Editor and other gay stuff

You mean other stuff happened yesterday?  Here's a smattering … Scott Weber of Shaler wrote to the Post-Gazette urging people to recognize the value of gay parenting. In describing his country's new civil partnership law, British Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke about what he called “the civilizing effect” the policy has had on society far […]

Bill Peduto on the “coming of age” of Pittsburgh democrats

Bill Peduto on the “coming of age” of Pittsburgh democrats

I chatted with my friend Councilman Bill Peduto about the election outcome and congratulating him.  The Burghosphere has been bursting with analysis of the Peduto impact — the Pedutocrats. Here's what Bill had to say about it all (I refer to him as Bill on account of us being friends n'at.): “Thanks, Sue – but it wasn't […]

Pittsburgh Primarily Votes for First Openly Gay City Councilman

Pittsburgh Primarily Votes for First Openly Gay City Councilman

With Bruce Kraus' victory in the Democratic primary, today is an historic moment for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania.  Kraus is the first openly gay person to be headed for the hallowed halls of the City Council of Pittsburgh. In fact, he is the first openly gay elected official in Western Pennsylvania.  Well, he will […]

Jerry Falwell RIP

Jerry Falwell RIP

One of the most bitter foes of the American gay community has died and I only feel sadness for him and his family.  I'm sad because his legacy is permanently scarred by his unrelenting hatred and intolerance for people who are gay, feminist, foreign born, of color  and otherwise different from his vision of a godly […]

Tuesday is the Day