Pittsburgh Civil Disobedience Done Right

  Anti-war protesters chained together, their arms covered by tar and plastic pipe, blocked the entrances to Carnegie Mellon University's National Robotics Engineering Center in Lawrenceville this morning. About 50 people were involved, including those chained together, those bringing them coffee and food, a makeshift band and other supporters. This is the type of civil […]

Ann Coulter “Implies” John Edwards is a Faggot

Here's what she said today at the Conservative Political Action Conference.  h/t 2 Political Junkies: I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, […]

The Slippery Slope of Intolerance and Second-Class Status Leads to Death of 72 Year Old Gay Bashing Victim

Andrew Anthos, a 72 year old Michigan gay man who was viciously beaten with a pipe outside his apartment, has died from his injuries.  He survived for several days, paralyzed and barely able to breathe.  Here's my post on the original attack. This man was riding home from the public library on a public bus.  […]

Will Luke Ravenstahl attend Steel City Stonewall (Gay) Democrats Pgh Candidates Forum

Maybe its just me, but isn't the mayoral race important to the region, too?  Luke Ravenstahl isn't exactly Mr. Progressive per 2 Political Junkies on issues like choice, contraception, free speech, open government, blah, blah, blah.  I know the muckety muck rich Riccardi loving homos embrace these Social Conservative Democrats for all they are worth, but […]

Lesbian Correspondent Wrests Control of Queer Reporting Back From Upstart Middle Age White Guy

We here at Lesbian Central are pleased that our good friend and all-around groovy middle aged white guy John McIntire wants to expand his repetoire of gay jokes beyond the phrase “butt fuck.”  He now seems hung up on kissing (lesbian kissing, Snickers eatin' men kissing, Ravenstahl's ass kissing …) but that's movement in the […]

John McCain Keynote Speaker for Creationism/ID Proponents

h/t Pam's House Blend File this under … huh. Discovery Institute is pleased to co-present with CityClub of Seattle and the Seattle World Affairs Council a luncheon featuring U.S. Senator John McCain. The Discovery Institute is a right-wing think tank with a well established track record as a proponent/defendant of Intelligent Design. Think Progress also […]

News from Ohio: Plans to protect state workers from discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity

h/t to Pam's House Blend According to the Dayton Daily News, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland may soon sign an executive order protecting state workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation.  The even better news is that the Secretary of State and Attorney General plan to expand that to include gender identity. “Frankly, I don't think […]

Blogging for Choice in Pittsburgh

Today I join hundreds of other bloggers around the nation to share why I am pro-choice.  Please forgive if this does not flow as well as I would like – I'm not feeling 100% today. Blog for Choice Day is a chance to raise the profile of reproductive rights issues in the blogosphere and the […]

Ravenstahl “There’s more than one reason to handcuff a man”

Now that Main Stream Media (MSM) has sunk its teeth into this little tale of a man and his handcuffs, the gay drama just escalates.  This is like Queer Eye meets Cops. WPXI airs previous interview where Ravenstahl plays word games to essentially deny being handcuffed.  If he didn't actually lie about it, he omitted […]

Nigeria About to Outlaw “Being Gay” — Thanks Episcopalians!

Shout out to all the Pittsburgh Episcopalians who have supported the Grand PooBah of Intolerance, Bishop Duncan and his desire to break away to form his own sect.  We've covered his longstanding attachment to Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola.  Well you should be congratuled b/c your bigotry and anti-gay sentiment have built a direct bridge to the […]