Ravenstahl, McIntire, Pgh City Police: The Gay Angle No One is Talking About

Not a single homo involved and this story has more twists and turns than a drag queen's virginal encounter with panty hose, a site much prettier than watching Luke Ravenstahl contort an explanation out of this story.  If you read the subtext, its right out of a gay movie — Slightly inebriated guy meets guy in uniform, intense […]

Pittsburgh Gay Round Up : McIntire, McCain, and Madison, Wisconsin

Not much happening locally in the LGBTQ world.  No rancid letters to the editor, no debates over GSAs in the local schools, no closets being opened. Peduto's announcement is good news for those of us who want an actual Democrat, not the Yinzer Republican Prince in sheep's, oops, lamb's clothing. For the chicas, coming up […]

Peduto Announces for Mayor on Monday?

Received this today vis a vis the Run Baby Run email list … Everyone is invited to join Bill Peduto for a Special Announcement: Monday, January 22, from 7 -9 p.m. At the Union Project, 801 N. Negley Ave., in Highland Park Refreshments will be served. This event is free & open to the public. […]

We predict city Solicitor will take fall for Ravenstahl

Our prediction on the McNeilly/Regan situation – Acting city Solicitor George Specter will resign or retire, Ravenstahl will continue to blame the O'Connor administration and the city will settle with McNeilly prompting her to retire immediately afterwards. The Ravenstahl puppetmasterers will easily sacrifice one lawyer to keep their golden Pinnochio bright, shiny and electable. Our […]

That’s Commander Catherine McNeilly to you, Mayor Ravenstahl

Ohhhh … in a nice courtroom twist, a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction to Commander McNeilly reinstating her to the rank of Commander.  You'll recall all the glorious details when Commander McNeilly blew the whistle on the nefarious goings on of Dennis Regan the political hack driver who would be Public Safety Director.  Thanks […]

Tony Norman on The Tragedy of King Richard the Cheney

I won't waste words telling you how much I enjoyed this column.  I'll just give you a teaser and link you on your way… Cheney: I will not sup tonight. Give me some ink and paper, maybe some buckshot while you're at it.Are all my guns laid out? Gates: They are my liege; and all […]

Councilwoman Darlene Harris’ Credibility Goes Up In Smoke

In another stunning effort to spin negative publicity, City Councilwoman Darlene Harris claims that she did not order a smoke eater machine to de-stuffify her office.  Ms. Harris simply wanted some box fans and now she is outraged, outraged I tell you, that someone mistakenly spent $1200 on the smoke eater. “I wanted a little […]

West VA Sheriff Refused CPR, Gay Man Dies, Civil Rights Case Moves Forward

Back in March, we reported on the West Virigina Sheriff who denied CPR to a dying gay man under the pretext that the man was HIV+.  The man, Claude Greene, died later that evening at a local hospital.  Greene's friend was present at the scene but was physically prevented from performing CPR by Robert K. […]

A Cool School Chick – Heather Arnet Backed for School Board

Kudos to the District 2 School Board Coalition for endorsing Heather Arnet to run for the school board seat being vacated by Highland Park resident Patrick Dowd.   Arnet, also a Highland Park resident, is the Executive Director of the Women and Girls Foundation of Southwestern Pennsylvania.  The Correspondents (and the Lesbians) are long-time fans of […]

Massachusetts Lawmakers Keep Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment Alive

Lawmakers in Massachusetts are in the midst of a Constitutional Convention and a vote today paved the way for a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage to move forward.  To make it onto the ballot, the amendment must pass in another legislative session. You might recall the Massachusetts is the only state in which gay marriage […]