Specter, Feingold Clash; Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment Moves to Senate Floor

From the AP WASHINGTON — A Senate committee yesterday approved a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, after a shouting match that ended when one Democrat strode out and the Republican chairman bid him “good riddance.” “I don't need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I,” […]

PA AFA slap down Laura Bush on gay tolerance

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania is displeased with the First Lady for suggesting that gay marriage not be used as a campaign tool.  Even Laura Bush is not spared their fury when the AFA smells a whiff of tolerance.  From their May 17 press release: Homosexuals have a right to live their lives as they […]

PG Readers Sorely Lacking in Christian Compassion

I think a few PG readers must have slept in on the Sundays when their pastors talked about visiting the imprisoned and other Jesus references to compassion for the less fortunate.  Last week, the paper ran a feature on mothers who are in jail.  It was harsh and difficult to read, especially when a woman admitted […]

Howard Dean sucks up to anti-gay 700 Club, will be gay democrat keynote speaker in June

Ah, Howard.  You were a good homo friend.  Democratic Party Chair Dean sat down with the always-delightful Pat Robertson on The 700 Club and promptly lied that the Democrartic Party platform did not include gay marriage.  In fact, it does support gay marriage.  “We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life […]

Post Gazette Kisses White House Ass, Fawns Over Local Sibs

Thanks to the Post-Gazette, we now know to avoid Chocolate Celebrations and the Milkshake Factory on Southside.  It is the family business of siblings Chris and Dana Edwards, both of whom are proud members of the Bush Administration.  Dana coordinates POTUS travel and Chris, who bears the title SPECIAL assistant to the President, oversees logistics […]

Unintended Casualties: Another Example of Anti-Gay Impact on Unsuspecting Heterosexuals

PG writer Sally Kalson tackles the thorny issues of surrogate pregnancy custody in response to a recent court ruling removing custody of triplets from their surrogate mother.  It is a complicated, sticky mess and certainly deserving of some attention for our legislature. However, PA plans to establish a legal framework in surrogacy matters will tap into […]

Update on PA Marriage Amendment – good news

From The Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights comes word that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has recessed without taking action on the amendment. What exactly does that mean? For one thing,  your legislator is home in your district for the next month.  This is a good time to contact her/him in person AGAIN and […]

Mary Cheney – Republican Princess of Collusion

How could I not post this (Mike Tidmus blog)  

2 Political Junkies Call Out Santorum’s Family Value Hypocrisy

Today my good friend David over at 2 Political Junkies has an excellent skewer of Ricky Sanctimonious' <gasp> HYPOCRISY.  Apparently, Ricky is willing to support Republican Don Sherwood who acknowledged that he had a five year affair and settled a lawsuit with his lover after she accused him of choking her.  Ahem.  David does a […]

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Here's a sad fact: Russian Orthdox Catholics are working in unity with skinheads to oppose gay rights. On Sunday police had to hold back a crowd of bottle-tossing skinheads and Bible- clutching church folks who were protesting a gay event at a local club. Not to be outdone by the Christian-Skinhead connection, Russian Muslims are […]