Trib : Portland Proves Hate Okay

Trib :  Portland Proves Hate Okay

The Trib's Mike Seate steps up for his turn on the Rene Portland homobashing situation and considers Portland a viable candidate for Pennsylvania politics. [I]nstead of offering any apologies or explanations for her bigotry and paranoia, Portland held a news conference last week where she refused to answer any questions. In fact, she pretty much […]

Hurrah for Dana Elmendorf!

Hurrah for Dana Elmendorf!

Local gay advocate Dana Elmendorf asks Pennsylvania to consider why Darryl Metcalfe and his band of merry men are rushing the marriage protection amendment to the House floor?  This was in the PG. UPDATE  11:27 AM:  And this was in Friday's Tribune Review.  Good job Dana!

More on Nigerian Gay Hate Bill

More on Nigerian Gay Hate Bill

From Black Looks and Feministing comes this update on the Nigerian legislation criminalizing homosexuality (you'll recall the PG op-ed discussion on this issue). The Nigerian homosexuality bill, the “Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006” which was presented to the House on the 31st March has now had its first reading in the Senate. A report […]

PG Readers Speak Up For Gay Marriage

The PG has published several letters to the editor in response to Darryl Metcalfe's uninspiring diatribe on the need for a anti-gay marriage amendment.  The letters tend to be from heterosexual people, some parents of gay adult children, who clearly get that not only is Metcalfe scapegoating gays but that he has no business investing […]

White House Lets Gay Families In the Back Door to Easter Egg Hunt

The White House is generously alllowing children in gay families to participate in the annual Easter Egg Roll festivities. However, amid growing controversy about the gays invading a children's event (code for preventing homos from recruiting children), the White House pulled a fast one as Page One Q reports. The gays queud as early as 24 […]

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel writes a passionate op/ed in today's Post-Gazette.  Frankel, a Democrat and long time progressive ally of the LGBT community, examines the potential damage the marriage protection amendment will do to the gay AND unmarried straight communities. Including senior citizens. The impact could be far reaching – health insurance coverage, foster […]

Gay Round Up

Lots of goings on today …. From the local front, two letters to the editor in the Post-Gazette. David Schelbe, co-chair of PFLAG Pittsburgh, asks the crucial question — how will amending the Pennsylvani constitution protect marriage? Amy Beisel of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference opines that a one man/one woman marriage is unique and special, […]

AFA says PA Human Relations Commission Oversteps on Gay

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania has some problems with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.  They claim that Chairman Stephen Glassman is using his position as a “bully pulpit” to promote the homosexual agenda.  Mr. Glassman's sins include meeting with homosexual groups to discuss the anti-marriage amendment and working with local municipalities to add sexual […]

Hypocrites & bigots

Hypocrites & bigots

Some random notes…Rep. Randy Cunningham's loot came on the auction block last week. You remember Randy? The gentleman who ranted about the evils of gay people but then accepted bribes. The last time I checked, stealing was a big one in the ten commandments, but, uh…being gay …WAS NOT. Also, some observations about who might […]


Rick's smile couldn't be more fake if Hillary were behind him.