White House Lets Gay Families In the Back Door to Easter Egg Hunt

The White House is generously alllowing children in gay families to participate in the annual Easter Egg Roll festivities. However, amid growing controversy about the gays invading a children's event (code for preventing homos from recruiting children), the White House pulled a fast one as Page One Q reports. The gays queud as early as 24 […]

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel writes a passionate op/ed in today's Post-Gazette.  Frankel, a Democrat and long time progressive ally of the LGBT community, examines the potential damage the marriage protection amendment will do to the gay AND unmarried straight communities. Including senior citizens. The impact could be far reaching – health insurance coverage, foster […]

Gay Round Up

Lots of goings on today …. From the local front, two letters to the editor in the Post-Gazette. David Schelbe, co-chair of PFLAG Pittsburgh, asks the crucial question — how will amending the Pennsylvani constitution protect marriage? Amy Beisel of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference opines that a one man/one woman marriage is unique and special, […]

AFA says PA Human Relations Commission Oversteps on Gay

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania has some problems with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.  They claim that Chairman Stephen Glassman is using his position as a “bully pulpit” to promote the homosexual agenda.  Mr. Glassman's sins include meeting with homosexual groups to discuss the anti-marriage amendment and working with local municipalities to add sexual […]

Hypocrites & bigots

Hypocrites & bigots

Some random notes…Rep. Randy Cunningham's loot came on the auction block last week. You remember Randy? The gentleman who ranted about the evils of gay people but then accepted bribes. The last time I checked, stealing was a big one in the ten commandments, but, uh…being gay …WAS NOT. Also, some observations about who might […]


Rick's smile couldn't be more fake if Hillary were behind him.

Pitt Human Rights Conference to Discuss Gay Rights

I found this on the Trib web site Oakland Pitt sponsors human rights conference The University of Pittsburgh is sponsoring the Conference on Human Rights and the Security Continuum from noon to 6 p.m. March 31 and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. April 1 at Posvar Hall, third floor, 230 S. Bouquet St., Oakland. The […]

US stands by while Iraq Death Squads Murdering Gays

US stands by while Iraq Death Squads Murdering Gays

In a stunning human rights travesty, Gay City News reports that gays and lesbians are being systematically kidnapped, beaten and murdered on a daily basis by Iraqui death squads. Following a death-to-gays fatwa issued last October by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, death squads of the Badr Corps have been systematically targeting gay Iraqis for persecution […]

Poll Shows Americans Become More Supportive of Gay Marriage

Poll Shows Americans Become More Supportive of Gay Marriage

A poll released Wednesday from the Pew Research Center for the People and Press shows that opposition to gay marriage has dropped from 63% to 51% since February 2004.  (365gay.com) More good news.  The number of people who say they strongly oppose gay marriage has dropped from 42 percent in early 2004 to 28 percent […]

Dubya Comes to Pgh to Visit Ricky

2 Political Junkies has the scoop on Bush's upcoming trip to support his man Rick Santorum.  WHAT: Candlelight Antiwar/Peace RallyWHEN: Friday, March 24, 2006, 7:00 PMWHERE: The corner of Beaver and Broad in Sewickley at the Gazebo