CP's Marty Levine on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

CP's Marty Levine on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

In the latest City Paper, intrepid homofan Marty Levine takes a brief look at the latest political maneuvers in Harrisburg where homohaters have launched another drive to constitutionalize discrimination.  It boils down to this But as with all debates about gay rights, the issue seems to boil down to conservative fears about the sexuality of […]

Gay Republicans and Santorum Spokesfag

Gay Republicans and Santorum Spokesfag

Homos for Santorum!   per the City Paper's rant feature. You tell 'em Ron Pedersen Jr of North Versailles, PA The biggest traitor of them all is Santorum Apologist and Spokesman, Robert Traynham an openly gay man who also happens to be African-American.  Pay attention because this is what Mr. Traynham has to say about being a […]

Rhode Island Gays Hit With Federal Tax Penalties

Rhode Island Gays Hit With Federal Tax Penalties

Well, you knew it wouldn't be too long before the clash between state and federal acknowledgement (or lack thereof) of same sex partnerships would create turmoil.  Rhode Island has just sent notices to domestic partners of state employees informing them that the health and insurance benefits they received are federally taxable income.  And the state […]

Microsoft Target of Homo Hater Boycott

Microsoft Target of Homo Hater Boycott

The homohating bigots are at it again, calling for a boycott on Microsoft and other companies supporting a LGBT civil rights bill in the Washington state legislature.  What can you say to this kind of overt hatred?  Again, I cannot get my mind around the fact that these bigots and their sheep actually BELIEVE that […]

PA Legislators Deem Gay Marriage Bigger Threat than Economy, Health Care or Terrorism

PA Legislators Deem Gay Marriage Bigger Threat than Economy, Health Care or Terrorism

This ain't funny, folks.  The PA legislature, home of the midnight pay raise, has made protecting marriage from the homos a focus right now.  Never mind that our fair city of Pittsburgh is crumbling around us while our beloved mayor plugs holes with political hacks.  Never mind that GM is closing a plant and putting […]

Hens-Greco named Campaign Field Director for Berner

Hens-Greco named Campaign Field Director for Berner

Sam Hens-Greco named Campaign Field Director for Democratic Congressional Candidate Georgia Berner. I'm not aware of Ms. Berner's position on LGBT issues but I'm going to find out.  Her opponent in the primary, Jason Altmire, is prolife which of course opens the door to the concept of a right to privacy inherent in many LGBT […]

LGBT Town Meeting on January 18: Marriage Amendment

LGBT Town Meeting on January 18:  Marriage Amendment

Received this today from Steel City Stonewall Democrats   —– Original Message —– From: Steel City Stonewall Democrats Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:51 PM Subject: Town Meeting: PA Constitutional Amendment An amendment to the PA constitution has been proposed that would both limit marriage to one man and one woman and deny all unmarried […]

What does Rick "Frothy" Santorum think?

What does Rick "Frothy" Santorum think?

Gary at American Agenda is not happy about the latest attempt to constitutionalize homophobia in Pennsylvania.  (I love the Frothy reference) Go here to sign the petition to stop the anti-gay marriage amendment.

Mass voters claim tricked into signing anti-gay petition

Mass voters claim tricked into signing anti-gay petition

This from 365gay.com …. (Boston, Massachusetts) “I don’t want to alarm you, but was your signature stolen?” That is the beginning of an automated telephone message that is going out to thousands of homes throughout Massachusetts. The calls to 10,000 people, along with letters to another 14,000, warn that they may have unwittingly signed petitions […]

Stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution

Stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution

NOTE: On January 24, the Pennsylvania Family Institute will be introducing their amendment.  Click and do something NOW. This from the ….  12/07/2005     Urgent – Ask Your Legislator to Not Sponsor the Marriage Amendment   We need your help to stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution. Representative Scott Boyd […]