PRIDE GIVEAWAY – Enter for a Pair of Tickets to Renaissance City Choir #PghPride

Pride Renaissance City Choir giveaway

Saturday marks the kick-off of Pride month here in Pittsburgh and we are very excited to partner with Renaissance City Choir to give away a pair of passes to the very FIRST Pride event – their annual Pride Concerts. Join Renaissance City Choir for our 2019 Pride Concert: A Celebration of our Community of Singers! We […]

What is Persad Center Even Thinking Regarding Pridefest in Pittsburgh?

Persad is once again making puzzling choices about their community organization relationships and their ongoing attachment with the Delta Foundation.  This year, that manifests itself by their decision to sponsor EQT Pride (Pittsburgh’s traditional Pridefest), but not invest in People’s Pride 2K19. I receive this email blast newsletter type message the other day Hello Friend, Thank […]

If You’d Like Me to Cover or Promote Your Pride Event, Read This Post

Hi. You may or may not know me, but I’m the person who has been editing this blog since December 2005. I hope you are familiar with our site, our history, and our work. I hope you read our blog posts, subscribe to the site, and follow us on social media. Not necessarily all of […]

50+ Pittsburgh Ways to Honor the 50th Legacy of Stonewall #PghPride

Stonewall 50th Anniversary Pittsburgh

The legacy of Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary is hotly contested, revised, and yet still remains vitally important to all of us LGBTQ people. I decided to create a list of 50 events and actions you can take to honor that legacy. These are not in any particular ranking nor chronological order. This list is meant to […]

An Open LGBTQ Pride Letter to @SenCasey UPDATED

Senator Casey LGBTQ

Senator Bob Casey has been working hard to move left and seize the post-electoral mantle of a progressive leader in Pennsylvania. And we absolutely need him to continue his aggressive leadership on choice, healthcare, immigration and more. So it was quite jarring to come across this the other day. It is a photo from the […]

Stop enabling Delta Foundation

  One thing I’m learning in therapy is that when I have someone in my life who’s spoiled rotten and who doesn’t have my best interests in mind, then at some point, not only do I have to call them to account, I also have to hold their enablers accountable. And I include myself. For […]

Guess which City Councilor Did Not Opt to be in the 2010 Pride Guide

So much work still to do …

Can we talk about Joan Rivers and the Lambda Foundation?

Yep, Joan is coming to town to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Lambda Foundation, Pittsburgh's LGBT philanthropy.  The event is scheduled for Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 8 PM.  The Renaissance City Choir will also be performing.  Sounds kind of cool.  One thing I learned while reading the press release is that Lambda […]

City Paper: nice write up on PrideFest changes

This week's City Paper advises readers on recent changes in local PrideFest activities, including new management, a new location and the expansion to a week-long event.  As we reported earlier, the Delta Foundation is sponsoring a community meeting to unveil the proposed changes and generate community investment in the larger effort (Tuesday, February 5, 7-9 […]