What I Think Allegheny County Should Do to Hold Police Accountable BEFORE They Are Hired

Police Accountability

Just my personal $.02 here. One issue that arises repeatedly when we are discussing police officers who kill civilians is the failure to ‘catch’ the cops who move from police department to police department because of discipline issues or misconduct or just because they are not good cops. There are two sides to this problem […]

Peters Township Voted Racist School Board Director, William Merrell, Out of Office – What’s Next?

Peters Towsnship Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Soooo in a very snappy and necessary turn of events, racist School Board Director William Merrell got his comeuppance. First, the School Board censured him on Monday night. He owned up to the nasty racist tweets, but didn’t resign. He’s a jagoff. In its motion to censure, the board stated Mr. Merrell violated the district’s […]

Racist Billboard Owner in Armstrong County Jabs at Sunoco in Latest Narrative Twist

Worthington Armstrong County billboards

As we’ve been talking this week about racist behavior by a School Board Director in Peters Township (and his wife’s opposition to considering a non-discrimination ordinance on the Peters Township Council), it seems like a good time to drop back in to Worthington, Armstrong County and see what the racist billboard has to say. You […]

Anxiety Ruined My Chance To Meet Damon Young

Damon Young

It’s a beautiful sunny spring day here in Pittsburgh. Chilly, but I can get away with leggings and a light cardigan. I’m  sitting in the parking lot of my therapist’s office, listening to the oldies station and trying to soak up some sunshine – to feel some fragment of joy. I feel only misery. Yes, […]

UPDATED Ashanti Carmon is 2nd Black Trans Woman Murdered in 2019

Ashanti Carmon was 27 years old when she was shot to death Saturday, March 30 in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Details are unconfirmed. I’ve updated her age and details of relationship status based on reporting from The Washington Blade. There are no updates from the investigation. Check out @TransEquality’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/TransEquality/status/1112357749604651008?s=09 Fairmount Heights police said they […]

John Placek Responds to Termination of His Sunoco Franchise “I Will Not Give In”

Billboards Worthington Armstrong County

I’m quite glad the mainstream media is running with the story about the racist billboards in Worthington, Armstrong County because I can no longer keep up with the unfolding story. As we reported earlier, Sunoco terminated contracts with Placek’s gas station on Route 422 and took steps today to remove their branding from the business. […]

Sunoco Cuts Ties with John Placek, Owner of Racist Billboards in Armstrong County

Worthington, Armstrong County

This update caught my attention last night. Sunoco said Wednesday it is halting fuel deliveries to an Armstrong County gas station because its owner posted controversial messages to a digital billboard about a quarter-mile away. The fuel giant also started removing Sunoco signage and trademarks from the Worthington station, according to company officials. The digital […]

State Rep Jeff Pyle Addresses Concerns About Racist Billboards

PA State Representative Jeff Pyle has released a video statement about the billboards in Worthington, Armstrong County. He prefaces his video with this written statement: “To the residents who have been calling my office regarding the distasteful and divisive messages appearing on the billboard in Worthington off of Route 422, I want you to know […]

This is Who We Are in Western Pennsylvania: Antwon Rose & White Supremacy

CN: white supremacy, racial slurs, John Placek hasn’t lost any time creating billboards about the not guilty verdict in the trial of Michael Rosfeld for the shooting death of then-17-year-old Antwon Rose. It shouldn’t suprise anyone who has been following his trail of racist, White supremacy messaging. I wouldn’t normally post an image with this […]