Review: Holiday Pops with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops

To have an impact, cultural institutions must be accessible to everyone. That’s why Laura and Sarah head off to review so many performances, plays, and programs. I hope you enjoy this one. ~ Sue I can’t remember when I started going to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops concert…maybe 5 years ago? Nevertheless, it has […]

Review: Handel’s Messiah at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Our review team attended Saturday’s performance of Handel’s Messiah with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Laura had heard it a few times, but always in religious settings. Sarah had never heard it live before. They both speak quite movingly of how the music affected them. They both love symphony performances and they both downplay their capacity […]

Review: Les Misérables Brings Zombie Metaphors to Reflect on Modern Culture

Les Miserables runs through Sunday November 27, 2022 at the Benedum Center. On Tuesday night, my favorite musical partner Sarah P and I went to see Les Miserables at the Benedum Center. The Benedum is one of my favorite places to see things because it is a beautiful grand theatre with comfortable seats and wonderful […]

Review: the Women of Wakanda, Forever

Women of Wakanda

As always keep in mind that we are not professional reviewers. We are just lesbians with opinions. Contains plot spoilers. Wakanda Forever is a lush, lengthy tribute to the contributions of Black women to the magic of the kingdom. of Wakanda and all kingdoms. From Queen to General and guardians, from the African women in […]

Review: Sudan Archives/Kurt Vile at the Warhol Museum Sound Series

Sudan Archives/Kurt Vile Review On Saturday, October 15, I went to the Warhol Museum Sound Series block party. The venue was set up on Isabella Street on the North Side, around the corner from the Andy Warhol museum. The stage was set up facing the river and the park. The location wasn’t bad and there […]

Review: Frozen the Musical Enchants Disney Fans of All Ages

Note – I caught a bad cold (ironc?) and was unable to attend the musical myself, but our intrepid team went and reported out to me – Sue “It is the best Disney musical so far,” pronounced my 11-year-old nibling, Elijah. He’s not alone as every performance is almost sold out during the Pittsburgh run […]

Review: Clyde’s Whet’s the Appetite for the New City Theatre Season

This is going to be an abbreviated review because our household is sick (cold, not COVID-19) and have been out of commission all week. And as I often remind you, we are not trained reviewers. Clyde’s is running now through Sun., Oct. 16 at City Theatre on Pittsburgh’s South Side. This play is, as the kids […]

Review: Mai Khoi’s Musical Show ‘Bad Activist’

Mai Khoi Bad Activist

I would also recommend this performance to anyone who is complacent about January 6 or any of the other dark clouds gathering around our fragile democracy. Her story aptly highlights why “populist” authoritarians are bad for the health and well-being of their country.   On Thursday, September 15, 2022, I went to see a performance of […]

We Were Fired as a Nielsen Family Because We Had COVID-19

Neilsen Ratings Fired Our Family

We wanted to be a Nielsen Family because we know accurate ratings are important for the survival of quality programming. We are avid consumers of media and grieve the closure of stations and outlets and publications. We wanted to do our bit to help. This is the sort of blog post you just never see […]

Review: The Mountain Goats ‘Bleed Out’ at Roxian Theatre (and a little bit about parking)

I like this band because they sing songs constructed around stories of people who have been wronged, abused, marginalized. And that theme resonates with me. Ledcat I attended the Mountain Goats’ concert last night at the Roxian Theatre in McKees Rocks. Here below are my thoughts on the concert venue and the concert itself. The […]