Are you seeing this blog post? Great, let’s get more social

Recently, I changed the settings on our Jetpack subscription tool to send out a snip of each post with a link to read more. The email you receive gives you the option of reading the post at the blog or in a WordPress reader. And you can of course use your preferred RSS reader directly. […]

Is it my job to make Facebook a safe space? Or should you help?

Dear friends, The Facebook page for my blog has garnered a lot of new followers these past months. And that’s great. Of course I want people to read my original content and engage the content I spend hours amplifying every day. Along with new followers comes new haters. They post rude, nasty, and vicious comments […]

Reasons to Suck It Up Buttercup, Read Your Damn Email

You need to read your email. And not wait for me to poke you on another platform to read your email. It isn’t fair to expect me – in crisis mode, as you know – to manage so many communication tools to keep body and soul together Everyone has their favorite. Most of them are […]

Social media is how I’m showing up this week

Someone asked me how I’m showing up to resist and defy the traumatic chaos seeping out of the White House. Fair question, my friend. So I’ve had pneumonia, still do. That’s dampened my capacity to engage in critical thinking activities, but I am on the mend. I’m trying to continue mending by not moving too […]

Today’s theme was Maiden, Maven, Crone. Also I’m a Microinfluencer

Today has been a day. I awoke to find this lovely article in the Pittsburgh Union Progress highlighting our work to help the folx who help the cats and critters. The pantry is a labor of love for her, named in memory of her lifelong friend John Ruffing, a West Mifflin resident and veterinarian who […]

Creating Hope By Sharing Social Media Content

We create hope, not simply hold onto it or believe in it. Our actions create hope, our intentions and our impact. (Good intentions without good impact can also destroy hope. Don’t fall back on your intentions.) I have not written many news or political posts since the election. I am paying attention, but unsure what […]

Trudging Along is a Valid Path Forward

I haven’t posted much about the political/electoral world this month. Frankly, it hurts my heart to even try to keep up with it. I’m not burying my head in the sand. I’m reconstituting my political self. On Instagram. I scroll every day, searching for content that’s uplifting, humorous, and absolutely representative of the many cultures […]

Follow Me on All of These Social Media Platforms

Follow Lesbian Social Media

Please follow me on all the social media. I post pretty often. Instagram is my preferred spot, but I’m learning the others. How about you? Bluesky Mastodon Pghlesbian Tumblr @pghlesbian Where am I missing?

Come On Now Social

Today Marks My 17th Year on Facebook

I cannot remember why I joined Facebook. Curiosity, perhaps? Sometimes I try to recall different versions (remember walls?) and features (remember notes?) But I can’t recall fonts or tabs or any sort of organizing principle. I just remember the people and the moments. I’m not going to wax nostalgic about the site or the owners. […]