Sled Riding the Pipeline in West Mifflin

Sled Riding in the 1970s

And though he never would wave goodbyeYou could see it written in his eyesAs the train rolled out of sightBye-bye In this cold snap, I drive to my cat colony even though it is faster to walk. Not so much faster now sliding on the snow and exerting myself to get the gate unlocked and […]

Here You Go, Steelers

Steelers Fight Song

I am not a fan of the Steelers, most specifically because of Ben Roethlisberger’s history as a sexual predator and the team’s embrace of the ‘he found Jesus/wife/kids’ solution to the fallout. I’ve been quite glad to see that amidst all of the hoopla about his retirement, the stories of his sexual violence are still […]

Pittsburgh Pirates Wrap Up Pride Month With Fireworks and Homophobic Country Music Artists

The very same week that we witnessed two huge acknowledgements from professional athletes of their status as gay folx. The very same week, the Pittsburgh Pirates social media team decided to laud their upcoming fan concert this Thursday, July 1, 2021 featuring known homophobe and anti-vaxxer, John Rich of Big & Rich. Let’s go bucs? […]

Are the Pittsburgh Penguins Two Steps Above the Crack’d Egg or Just Regular Greedy Rich White Men?

Pittsburgh Penguins PPP

I must admit – I was shocked when I first read that the Pittsburgh Penguins (hockey franchise) accepted a $4.8 million loan from from the federal program set up to help small businesses weather the pandemic, I thought it was a hoax. I mean, they are the Penguins – the good rich mostly white dudes. […]

The Post Where I Thank the Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh

One of the ugliest things about bullying is that it isolates the target. I’ve been feeling very isolated this past week, reaching out for support and action from LGBTQ organizations and allies. I contacted statewide groups, local groups, members of Pittsburgh City Council, and more. Because that’s how allies are supposed to behave – when […]

Pittsburgh Marathon Defends Chick-fil-A Partnership

Chick-fil-A Pittsburgh Marathon

Yesterday, I blogged about the Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon bringing on Chick-fil-A as the title sponsor of their youth programming, including the Chick-fil-A Kids Marathon. People began contacting the Marathon offices known as the non-profit, P3R. Early responses indicated that the staff were in a meeting to discuss the blowback. A few hours later, […]

Someone Stole the Bill ‘Cowher Chair’ During Kerry Kennedy’s Funeral

Someone Stole the Bill ‘Cowher Chair’ During Kerry Kennedy’s Funeral

Based on new information, it is unclear if this actually happened as was originally described. We will wait for a police report to update this post. Anyone who has information should contact the Zone One police department in Pittsburgh.

Because Rape is Funny if its GAY …

Because Rape is Funny if its GAY …

I saw this last week, but it is all over the place now and just thoroughly vulgar and disgusting.  The reputation of the Pittsburgh Steelers likely took another hit today with the news that Steely McBeam, the team's official mascot, has been accused of sexual assault in an incident late last night at a downtown […]

Suzie McConnnell-Serio to replace Rene Portland? And what does JoePa think?

Suzie McConnnell-Serio to replace Rene Portland?  And what does JoePa think?

The PG's Bob Smizik takes Penn State to task for allowing Portland to ride roughshod over university standards, policies and common decency. It's not like the Harris incident was the first against Portland. She had a long and documented history on the subject. As far back as 1986, Portland was quoted making an anti-lesbian statement. […]

Penn State’s Rene Portland Resigns

Penn State’s Rene Portland Resigns

Here's a tidbit of good gay-tidings! STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Penn State women's basketball coach Rene Portland resigned today, ending a 27-year tenure in which she won 606 games but battled allegations that she discriminated against lesbian players. Portland resigned last night, the university said in a statement this morning. Hurrah!  Hurrah!   More later …. […]