“Can you take a 13-year-old Caucasian boy?” Guest Blog Post for #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Lesbian Foster Family

This is a guest post written by a friend who is a foster parent. Her son has given permission to share pieces of his story to signal boost the vital role of LGBTQ foster families. This is part of our contributions to the #LGBTQFamiliesDay project. Content Note: Abuse, Trauma, Homophobia, Family Rejection “Can you take […]

We #AMPLIFY Stories from 50+ LGBTQ Parents in Western Pennsylvania on #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Welcome to another year of LGBTQ Families Day, a ‘day of blogging (and more)’ about LGBTQ families, sponsored by the blog Mombian and the Family Equality Council. Once again, I’ve decided to share #AMPLIFY posts highlighting the voices of parents, step-parents  and grandparents and other caretakers of children.  If you are a LGBTQ person with ties […]

Stop Blaming Gary Van Horn for All of the LGBTQ Community Problems in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Pridefest Delta Foundation Gary Van Horn

I’ve seen variants of this rhetoric all over Facebook in the past several weeks, a very intentional effort to hold Gary Van Horn, President of the Delta Foundation, (known as GVH) accountable for the ways in which the Delta Foundation has failed our community and for his own personal alleged crimes. I think it is […]

All in My Queer Family: Discovering DNA Ties to My LGBTQ Friends in Pittsburgh

queer family of choice

One unexpected benefit of chronicling my family history has been discovering that people I already know are part of my extended family.  First there was my friend Dave Ninehouser (6th cousin) and then a neighbor, John Graf (4th cousin 1x removed), followed by finding new-to-me local folks who are also in my tree. Our pet […]

When I’m Down and Feeling Blue … Ten Times I Blogged About How to Help

Those who follow me on social media or know me in real time are probably aware of some current big struggles I’m facing. It takes a toll. Today, two people I had believed were taking their own actions on these issues told me they have not done anything and keep asking me to identify how […]

That Time We Merged Our Separate Giant Eagle Advantage Cards

Giant Eagle Advantage Card Shared Account

I remember early in our relationship days, Ledcat and I went grocery shopping together at the Waterfront Giant Eagle near my home. This was probably 8-10 months in to our relationship (now going on 162 months, thank you.) It wasn’t a joint shop for a shared event, it was two independent shops using one cart. […]

2018 LGBTQ Holiday Giving Projects: Supporting Persad, SisTers Pgh, and Garden of Peace

Every year during this season, I ask you to support particularly vulnerable members of our community. This year, we are once again focusing on Persad Center, but two different populations – isolated rural LGBTQ elders and LGBTQ youth. We have also invited SisTers Pgh and Garden of Peace to be part of our program because […]

Celebrate the Holidays with Persad, #ReachOUT to Isolated LGBTQ Elders

Send a Card to A Senior Citizen

We are kicking off our annual #ReachOUT project to collect gift cards to support isolated LGBTQ neighbors living throughout the region. Our partner in this effort is Persad Center which hosts the regional chapter of SAGE.  You can read about previous years projects here and here and here. This year, our project has two distinct components. […]

On The Spot: Local fundraiser to support women and girls in need of feminine hygeine products

For 13 years or so, I took pads and tampons for granted.  My family had more than its fair share of economic struggles, but my Mom always made sure I had these feminine hygeine products when needed.  When I was on my own, it never occured to me that they weren't a necessity.  Yes, I'd […]