It’s not about sex. It is about violence, sexual violence an adult inflicted on a kid.

Sexual Assault

Content Note: sexual assault, child abuse, When news broke that yet another famous entitled man was engaged in sexually violating a child, in this case a 13-year-old girl, I felt nothing. Just empty resignation and quiet despair. Pirates pitcher Felipe Vazquez on Tuesday admitted to police that he attempted to have sex with a 13-year-old […]

Guest Post: The Art of Drag Culture Through the Gaze of E! The Dragnificent


I invited E! The Dragnificent to help me with some blogging related to drag culture and drag artists. She helped me craft the questions for our interview with Aquaria, a Pennsylvania native who is part of the Werq The World tour coming to Pittsburgh. And then E wrote this essay about why she loves Ru […]

Q&A with Ember, 9, a nonbinary bisexual student who organized the first ever Pride Parade at their school

Pride Parade Elementary School

One of Ember’s parents posted this flyer on Facebook, explaining that their kid had decided to organize a Pride Parade at their school. After I read the flyer, I knew that it was important to include Ember’s voice in this blog. So I asked their parent and they worked it out amongst themselves. Ember opted […]

“Can you take a 13-year-old Caucasian boy?” Guest Blog Post for #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Lesbian Foster Family

This is a guest post written by a friend who is a foster parent. Her son has given permission to share pieces of his story to signal boost the vital role of LGBTQ foster families. This is part of our contributions to the #LGBTQFamiliesDay project. Content Note: Abuse, Trauma, Homophobia, Family Rejection “Can you take […]

We #AMPLIFY Stories from 50+ LGBTQ Parents in Western Pennsylvania on #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Welcome to another year of LGBTQ Families Day, a ‘day of blogging (and more)’ about LGBTQ families, sponsored by the blog Mombian and the Family Equality Council. Once again, I’ve decided to share #AMPLIFY posts highlighting the voices of parents, step-parents  and grandparents and other caretakers of children.  If you are a LGBTQ person with ties […]

West Mifflin School Districts Expands Nondiscrimination Protections to Include Gender Identity

West Mifflin High School Class Reunion

I lived in West Mifflin from age two through college. It was a rather brutal environment. I ended up with a decent education. I’ve written about some of those experiences.  One of my high school friends was openly gay. Others were suspected, but it was not an environment where such disclosures were encouraged or well-received. […]

UPDATED: Resist the Chick-fil-A Sponsorship of the Pgh Marathon With This Queer Shirt #Yinz

A t-shirt is a functional object that most people can use and wear and enjoy, but it can also be a way to carry an affordable piece of art around with you on your body, or make a statement that can allow you to connect with other people. Getting into the t-shirt business has made […]

Being Acknowledged on International Women’s Day by Statewide Pennsylvania Organization

International Women's Day 2019

The Future of #FishFryFriday in the post Grand Jury Report era of Catholicism

For the past five years, I’ve hosted a (semi) regular feature on my blog – Fish Fry Fridays. This series of blog features me and Ledcat visiting area fish fries and writing up reviews. Here’s how it works. We visit a different fish fry each week. The location is determined first by proximity to the […]

How the good intentions of families of LGBTQ youth might harm other LGBTQ youth

Allies Harming LGBTQ Youth

I feel very sad for Dakota James’ family, especially his mother who seems immersed in unresolved grief. But their unwillingness to consider that a terrible accident befell their son while he was drunk is having a negative impact on the LGBTQ community and general population of Pittsburgh. The Foundation they established is taking LGBTQ resources […]