Guest Blog Post: History Repeats, But Our Response Can Change #LGBTHistoryMonth

LGBT History Month Sarver Pennsylvania

October is LGBT History Month. I’ve asked several people to share their thoughts on regional historical events that left an impression on them. Some contributors are LGBTQ, some are allies. All are people I think you will enjoy hearing from this month. If you would like to submit a guest post, please click here. ~ […]

E! The Dragnificent, Age 12, Headlining at Austin International Drag Festival 2017

Dragnificent E

Over the past few years, I’ve had a chance to get to know a local queer family with two sets of adults, co-parenting a genderfluid child who is a frequent performer in the local scene. Esai is a sweet kid with amazing stage presence and so much love. And a really cool family that is […]

PA Youth Congress Celebrates ‘Fun Home’ Performance in Pittsburgh

The Pennsylvania Youth Congress is hosting a terrific set of events in conjunction with the performance of ‘Fun Home’ at Heinz Hall this week, focusing on the unique needs of rural LGBTQ youth. ‘Fun Home’ is based on Alison Bechdel’s best-selling graphic memoir, FUN HOME introduces us to Alison at three different ages as she explores and […]

Perry High GSA Students to Launch In-School Food Pantry

This is the Donation Link –>   My respect and admiration for LGBTQ youth increased even more today after a conversation with Perry High School librarian and GSA sponsor, Sheila May-Stein. The students in this Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) – the second largest in the Pittsburgh Public School system – are in the midst […]

Familylinks Holding Winter Coat Drive (LGBTQ Friendly!)

It is quite literally the perfect time to tell you about the Family Links coat drive as we prepare for the most frigid night of the year since February.   They are accepting donations of coats and ‘winter gear’ including hats, gloves, scarves, etc. There is the greatest need for youth ages 13-21 so a […]

On The Spot: Local fundraiser to support women and girls in need of feminine hygeine products

For 13 years or so, I took pads and tampons for granted.  My family had more than its fair share of economic struggles, but my Mom always made sure I had these feminine hygeine products when needed.  When I was on my own, it never occured to me that they weren't a necessity.  Yes, I'd […]

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

It is hard to keep up with the good stuff, but I'm sure you want to know about it …. Anti-Discrimination HB 300 sponsored by Representative Dan Frankel SB 910 sponsored by Senator Lawrence Farnese These bills will expand the Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. […]

Dreams of Hope – Summer Qamp

Dreams of Hope has a summer camp week that sounds awesome.   Dreams of Hope Summer Arts QAMP! August 16 – 20th   Dreams of Hope is hosting an overnight camp from August 16 – 20th for LGBTA youth ages 13-17. The camp will be held at the Emma Kaufmann Camp on Cheat Lake near […]

GLSEN Safe Prom for all

GLSEN SAFE PROM FOR ALL   When: Friday, April 29 from 7 pm-11 pm Where: The University Club               123 University Place               Pittsburgh, PA 15260               412-648-8213   Tickets cost $20.  There will be food, drinks, a photographer, and plenty of song and dance. For more info. contact GLSEN Pittsburgh at: 412-361-6996 Email: […]

GLCC Youth Director chosen for Jefferson Award

I caught this very late last night.  Great way to end a weekend. GLCC Youth Director has been named a Finalist for the 2011 Jefferson Awards. His profile will run in the PG on Wednesday.  His name is Ben Cook and I met him in 2003 when I was on the GLCC Board.  I distinctly […]