Steel City Snowflakes supports the work of this blog. Thus, your donation of any amount will generate one snowflake (per donation) with your name or custom message. For example, you can shout out for a specific project or topic or make a general investment. Invest in a Steel City Snowflake today.

Of course, we appreciate your investment in this work and hope you enjoy the concept.

What are Steel City Snowflakes?

How to donate for a Steel City Snowflake

Steel City Snowflake Fine Print

  • To find your steel city snowflake, hover over existing snowflakes to read messages.
  • Messages cannot be defamatory or contain content we deem harmful.
  • Sustaining monthly donors will receive a new snowflake each month.
  • To become a sustaining donor, visit our Patreon.
  • Don’t forget to refresh the page!
  • By donating, you are investing in the work of this blog. Your donation is not tax deductible. Snowflakes have no relationship to content.
  • Offline donations via check or cash can be made. Contact to make arrangements.

Steel City Snowflake Questions


Steel City Snowflakes was conceived by Sue Kerr with support from the F. Dok Harris Initiative and designed by Tech4Society.


We need your help to save the blog.

For 18+ years,  snowflakes, social justice warriors, and the politically correct have built this blog.

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We need your ongoing support to maintain this archive and continue the work. Please consider becoming a patron of this blog with a recurring monthly donation or make a one-time donation.       This post and/or others may contain affiliate links. Your purchase through these links support our work. You are under no obligation to make a purchase.

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