We encourage your interest in fairness and accuracy when reporting on LGBTQ issues and members of our community.
This page is intended as a follow-up to the June 2017 training created by Jodi Hirsh of Sequal Consulting and Sue Kerr of SueCat Social Media. We will do our best to keep the content and links current.
We’d like to think our event sponsors: ACLU of Pennsylvania and Three Rivers Community Foundation
LGBTQ Media Guides
National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Style Book
AP, Reuters & New York Times Style
LGBTQ Local Media Contacts
Contact us directly for a resource list of LGBTQ contacts interested in speaking with the media. COMING SOON.
please email pghlesbian@gmail.com with media inquiries.
Other Resources
Presentation by Jodi Hirsh at LGBTQ Media Training
LGBTQ Community Panel
- Atiya Ivin Mitchell: Intern at Public Source; she/hers; @atiyawrites, airvinmitchell@gmail.com
- Michael A. Fuoco: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; he/him; @michaelafuoco mfuoco@post-gazette.com
- Samone Riddle: QueerPGH; they/them; @queerPGH, samone @ queerpgh.com
- Rebecca Addison: Pittsburgh City Paper;
Media Panel
- Celeste Scott: she, her and hers; Queer Black Fat femme organizer
- Samone Riddle: QueerPGH; they/them; @queerPGH, samone @ queerpgh.com
- Shanea Leonard
- Ciora Thomas: SisTers PGH; she/hers;
- Sue Kerr: Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents; she/hers; @Pghlesbian24
Facilitated by Jodi Hirsh, Sequal Consultings.