From the PG: Gay Marriage And Domestic Partner Registry and oh something from the City Paper, too

From the PG: Gay Marriage And Domestic Partner Registry and oh something from the City Paper, too

That title reflects exactly how creative I feel this morning.  I had weird dreams all night in which I was a character in the soap opera, The Young & The Restless only the other characters included a ghost, Jim from Taxi and Freddie Prinze, Sr.  I kept asking everyone to marry me (they all wore red pullover […]

Breaking News from NJ: Civil Unions Aren’t Working, State Should Permit Marriage

Breaking News from NJ:  Civil Unions Aren’t Working, State Should Permit Marriage

Just in: Today at 3:56pm Reply This is a message from Garden State Equality: This is huge. The New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission has completed its final report. In a unanimous vote, the Commission pronounces the civil union law a failure and recommends to Governor Corzine and the legislature that they enact a marriage […]

Final Update on PA’s so-called Marriage Protection Amendment

Final Update on PA’s so-called Marriage Protection Amendment

Final nail in the coffin.  For this round. Courtesy of Equality Advocates: The Pennsylvania legislature adjourned for its summer recess in the first week of July without any further action on the proposed Constitutional amendment, SB 1250. The legislation attempted to prohibit legal recognition of non-marital relationships in Pennsylvania including marriages of same-sex couples and […]

Even more on PA so called “Marriage Protection Amendment”

Even more on PA so called “Marriage Protection Amendment”

A lot to impart so bear with me. First, the hearing.  If you cannot attend, you can submit written testimony.  This comes from Sue Frietsche, Pittsburgh's Women's Law Project go-to-woman.  I am still trying to determine if you can email it.  Ledcat and I are working on a joint letter. It can be in letter […]

Pittsburgh Blog for Equality Day 2008 – a lesbian perspective

I've been wracking my brains all weekend for an approach to this day. You've read all the facts about the legislation attempting to amend the PA constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  It has the potential to hurt a lot of people, gay and straight alike.  You've read all the […]

Pittsburgh Blog for Equality

****UPDATE **** A big thanks to all the wonderful members of the Burghosphere who participated in this first ever Pgh Blog for Equality.  We had a few folks join in at the last minute.  Here are the links to the participating posts in no particular order.  Thanks also to those who promoted the event.  this […]

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

It is back.  According to Equality Advocates, the legislation to start the constitutional amendment process roared back to life on Valentine's Day.  Just yesterday, SB 1250, the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” was published and referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate.  There are 17 co-sponsors, the same number as last time.  Four Republican Senators who […]

PA Marriage Protection Amendment – Again

PA Marriage Protection Amendment – Again

It's back.  Sigh.  From Equality Advocates:          On January 17, 2008, Pennsylvania State Senators started working to pass a so-called “Marriage Protection Amendment” that would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to define marriage as solely between one man and one woman, as well as prohibit civil unions and potentially more. Please take a moment to call […]

Pgh Native Comes Home To Chat About Gay Marriage

Pgh Native Comes Home To Chat About Gay Marriage

A not to be missed gay event …read what the PG has to say about it.    The Women’s Law Project and Persad Center present An Evening with Evan Wolfson, author of Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People’s Right to Marry WOMEN’ S RIGHTS SEMINAR SERIES Sponsored by Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:30 […]

PA Legislators Vote on Gay Marriage Amendment on 3/15/2006

PA Legislators Vote on Gay Marriage Amendment on 3/15/2006

Take Action! On March 15th, the Pennsylvania House of Representative's State Government Committee will be voting on HB 2381, the anti-LGBT, anti-family constitutional amendment that would prohibit recognition of same-sex marriage and all unmarried relationships in the Commonwealth. We need your help to stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution. Pennsylvania state […]