Welcome Aboard to Our New Foster Cat Trio: Catamaran, Marina, and Tug #KittensAhoy

Kittens Ahoy

Last week, the good folks at Homeless Cat Management Team successfully mass trapped 18 kittens, 15 adults, and recovered some deceased of various ages. This was Clairton. They TNVRd the adults at the clinic the next day and the kittens were vetted and divided into foster homes. Bringing in 18 kittens at one time is […]

Update on #ManchesterCatTrap – We Need Just $861 to TNR 50 cats here on the Northside

We are getting down to the wire. How to donateGoFundMe https://gofund.me/02eac7b7Venmo @pghlesbianCashApp @pghlesbianPaypal.me/pghlesbian The basic TNVR package is $70. As of today, we have enough to TNVR 39.57 cats. We need $61 to cover 40 cats — JUST $61!! – and $761 to reach 50. THEN we can pay for supplies and expenses.  Another way to […]

What Happened to Poe Black, a 21-year-old Trans Man Killed in Slab City, California?

The body of 21-year-old Poe Black was discovered in the Sonoran Desert on May 11, 2021 near Slab City in Niland, California. Also known as Oliver Jackson, Poe was a resident of Slab City, an unincorporated collection of camps frequently occupied by homeless folks and others who purposefully chose to live outside of conventional communities. […]

Remember the Aunties on #LGBTQFamiliesDay

This is my first #LGBTQFamiliesDay as a married lady. My wife, Laura, and I tied the knot on Groundhog’s Day earlier in 2021 after nearly 18 years of togetherness. You can read our story here if you are interested. It was a very cool political lesbian blogger wedding, but wildly different than anything I could […]

#ManchesterCatTrap To Help Emergency Rescue of 19 Kittens from Clairton

The foster group that Laura and I work with is called Pittsburgh C.A.T. which is affiliated with the Homeless Cat Management Team. They are not officially involved in the #ManchesterCatTrap, but have been a great source of support. This weekend, we received a notice that two of the most experienced trappers had gone to Clairton […]

Little Pridefests Everywhere

The world has changed, as it inevitably does, and we are challenged with moving into a “new normal” rather than clinging to delusions about yesteryear. No, I’m not talking about COVID-19. I’m talking about Pridefest in Pittsburgh. Once upon a time, activist and wise man Jim Fischerkeller shared with me his belief that Pride moves […]

25-Year-Old Illinois Trans Man Shot to Death

Correction: I misspelled Haven’s surname in the original post. I have made the correction. I am sorry for the confusion. – Sue Haven A Bailey was 25 years old. He was living in Illinois where he grew up and graduated from Addison Trail High School. Haven identified as a trans man, most recently living in […]

Today Was Ana’s Gotcha Day and I’m Very Sad

Our little dog, Ana, joined our family on this date in 2008. It was an exhausting day driving round trip to Indiana, PA – but she was adorable and bonded with us very quickly. Soon, she bonded with our two other dogs and we were a happy family. After her brothers died in 2015 and […]

The #ManchesterCatTrap is Happening and Here is What We Need

Plans are underway for the big event on June 19, 2021.   We have raised enough money so far to TNVR 30+ cats and now have nearly 4 pallets of pet food to distribute. We have volunteers working on many tasks. And here’s what we still need (money, of course.) If you can lend or […]

35 Western Pennsylvania Voices on Pansexual Visibility Day

May 24 is Pansexual Visibility Day. According to HRC Pan people’s sexuality can often be erased when they are assumed to be either gay or straight, or when their pan identity isn’t taken seriously, so it’s essential to make sure that we uplift the voices of pan people. Being pan can mean different things to […]