Q&A With Connor Mulvaney, Candidate for City Council District 4


But if a global pandemic and ensuing economic crises aren’t enough to motivate public officials to create real safeguards such as public housing (as well as healthcare, the two of which I believe are inseparable) against public health emergencies, when will they? This is the sixth post of our election season series ‘Political Q&A’ with […]

Q&A With Hilary Wheatley Taylor, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge for District 05-2-19

HIlary Wheatley Taylor

But from that experience comes a perspective that can only benefit those that might come before me as Magistrate: I’ll approach each person as more than their worst day or worst choice or most shameful story.  I know first hand that we are all more than any one of those things and we deserve a […]

Body of 19-year-old Chicago Black Trans Woman Found in June 2020, Finally Identified in April 2021

On June 6, 2020, the body of an unidentified young Black trans person was found in an abandoned building at 7908 S Laflin in Chicago. Koko Nia Labeija was born 29 May 2001 in Chicago where she grew up. She attended Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School The school held a memorial event this past […]

Black Trans Woman Dominique Lucious, 26, is the 14th Victim of Transphobic Homicide

On Thursday, April 8, 2021, a 26-year-old Black trans woman named Dominique Lucious was murdered in Springfield, Missouri. From KY3 television (deadnaming at original article); [She] was fatally shot Thursday morning in the 900 block of North Main Avenue. Officers responded to heard gunshot fire just before 7 a.m. Police say the victim died after […]

Q&A With Bethani Cameron, Candidate for City Council District 4

Bethani Cameron

Let’s re-imagine public safety with a heavy emphasis on mental health and substance use response teams who have many years of school to understand how to evaluate and de-escalate, and how to encourage ongoing treatment for those who need it.  We make police do this now. It doesn’t work. We will have more and more […]

Q&A With Raymond Robinson, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge 05-02-42

Raymond Robinson

My work with youth showed me how the experiences of different groups vary even when engaging in similar behaviors. I have seen how young girls are often treated more harshly by paternalistic judges than male counterparts.  Similarly, I’ve seen how the experiences of black youth look drastically different than white youth regarding behaviors in schools. […]

One Year Anniversary of Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT

Today marks one year since Lyndsey Sickler and I spoke the Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT into existence. Dramatic, perhaps. But this year has taught me that it is up to us to save ourselves. We are the calvary. Mainstream institutions haven’t shown up or acknowledged the realities of our lives during the pandemic, especially media outlets […]

COVID-19 Vaccine #2 Side Effects Have Sidelined Me

Got Moderna shot #2 on Tuesday. Wednesday was rough, but not awful. Thursday much worse. Friday feels awful already. I know this is not a prelude to actual illness so I will just ride it out. I have no energy to explain details, but I wanted you to know why I’m dropping balls. I haven’t […]

24-Year-Old Black Trans Woman, Aidelen Evans, Found Dead in Port Arthur, Texas

Aidelen Evans

Rest in power, Aidelen.  Aidelen Evans’ body was found at 7:19 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2021 in a canal in Arthur, Texas. Port Arthur is about 90 miles east of Houston and home to the largest oil refinery in the United States, Motiva. Police responded to phone calls reporting the discovery of her body. […]

Pittsburgh Pays Tribute to Trans and Queer ‘MasQue ProjecT’ To Mark One Year of Distributing Face Masks

Here’s the press release: Pittsburgh – A face mask distribution project centering the trans and queer community in Western Pennsylvania marks a milestone with an online tribute, Saturday, April 3, at 8 PM via Zoom. Hosted by local artist, Alistair McQueen, the event will feature guest co-hosts Gisele Fetterman and Bruce Kraus.   On April […]