UPDATED: Log Cabin Republicans Bringing Tiffany Trump, Richard Grennell to a Pittsburgh “Pride” Event in Cranberry Township

Trump Pride Rally Pittsburgh

I mean … what? Take a look at what happened when they rolled this dynamic duo out in Florida. “I know what my father believes in,” she said during the event. “Prior to politics, he supported gays, lesbians, the LGBQIA+ community.” (She misstated the initialism — removing the “T” that stands for the transgender community.) […]

Honoring the Dead

Dr. John Ruffing

My friend John Ruffing died on November 9, 2007 at the age of 41. He is someone I loved very deeply and think about often. It was suggested I create a blog altar for my ancestors. John and I are not blood related that I know of, but like many queer people – we created […]

Haunted Theater in Pittsburgh

For those of us continuing to social distance, finding things to do to celebrate holidays like Halloween can be a challenge. Laura and I donated candy to Proud Haven to offset the sadness of not giving out tricks or treats. We’ve harvested pumpkins, had apple cider and pumpkin cookies, we drove to see the leaves. […]

My First Letter to the Editor, Published by Vanity Fair in 1995

I used to read Vanity Fair pretty regularly in the 1990’s. I’m unsure how that got started, but I liked the pageantry and almost otherworldly insight into the world of the rich and powerful. So much did I appreciate the magazine that I was compelled to submit a letter to the editor, my very first […]

Facemask Q&A with Goblin Girl Designs’ Lori Korchok

Goblin Girl Designs

It is not my place to decide who should wear what colors. Self expression is so important. It makes us unique, so who am I to say what colors are assigned to which genders? One important part of the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is highlighting safe and affirming places for trans and queer folx to purchase […]

On Day 227, I Turn 50 Years Old

I wrote this in 2018 My therapist told me that I may just have to endure my birthday each year, that I may not ever find the peace and comfort I’d like to have. It is too deeply connected to my own experiences of chronic trauma. It is not just depression or anxiety. It is […]

Do You Have a Thanksgiving Plan?

Coronavirus is roaring back. Last week, the US averaged 53,000 new infections per day. This week, that’s up to 59,000. According to the New York Times, experts forecast hitting 75,687 new infections per day in the near future. That’s the highest rate in the US from back in July. It could go higher in the […]

On Day 225, I Feel Weary

It has been awhile since I touched base about my mental health. Overall, I’ve been steadily getting more stable since my bout of symptoms in the summer. I still have the residual effects of lithium poisoning, including unexpected twitches of my arms and legs. My p doc lowered my dose and reintroduced another mood stabilizer […]

How to Request Toys for Tots in Western Pennsylvania in 2020 – UPDATED

Toys for Tots Pennsylvania

This is our annual (8+ year) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2020. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to doublecheck the details. I will update as information becomes available. Some […]

Honored to Win Best Lesbian Activist, Best Blogger in the 2020 LGBTQIA Pittsburgh’s BEST Awards Sponsored by People’s Pride

Pittsburgh LGBT Awards

I am honored to share the news that we have been honored in two categories by the first LGBTQIA Pittsburgh’s Best Awards sponsored by the People’s Pride and SisTers Pgh. People’s Pride PGH – Breaking The Cistem Presents LGBTQIA Pittsburgh’s BEST: Award Ceremony. This ceremony will honor the work of our LGBTQIA communities and forebears […]