Day 181 is in the bag

We drove up to Mercer County to visit Ledcat’s mom. She made a Sunday supper that we ate in the driveway on opposite ends of an eight foot table. It was delicious. And very much needed by all of us. I spent an hour repairing her electronics so she could Zoom with grandkids and read […]

Dear David. September 5, 2020

David DeAngelo Pittsburgh

I haven’t written in awhile. As you know, my sweet little dog Ana died suddenly ten days ago. I’m still struggling with this loss. Please forgive my distance. So Wendy Bell got herself silenced on KDKA AM and very likely got herself a national slot somewhere in white supremacy conservative realms. You’ve done important work […]

On The Sixth Month Mark, We Relax

Day 180. Or so. Doesn’t really matter when it falls because the horror of six months in a pandemic is self-evident. On the one hand, we’ve survived and found glimmers of beauty, purpose, and even joy. On the other hand, it’s just been so awful within this six months – I was engulfed by a […]

The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT Needs Your Brown Lunch Bag Help This Labor Day

Mask Project Pittsburgh

UPDATE: Thank you Amy, Dre, Shelby, Eileen & Sandy, Sara-Summer, and Jim for responding to this need. The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT continues to distribute face masks to trans and queer households throughout the region. We have about 400 people on our distribution list plus several trans and queer organizations. We’ve distributed about 4500 masks since […]

23 year old Black Trans Woman Elie Che Found Dead in New York City

August 31, 2020 we lost another trans neighbor, a 23-year-old Black woman from Harlem. Her body was found in the Bronx. Her name was Elie. Police found the woman unconscious and unresponsive in the sand near Orchard Beach Road and Park Drive at approximately 6:09 a.m. EMS responders arrived shortly thereafter and pronounced her dead. […]

Q&A with Therapist Matthew Reinhart About Trauma During a Pandemic


How are you doing? I feel the weight of the world so I reached out to some experts on trauma to offer some insight into navigating our personal challenges, our encounters with the anti-maskers, and more as queer people. These are really long reads because the topics are intense and novel (couldn’t resist.) I hope […]

Is it really Day 178?

At some point, I screwed up counting the days so I have no clue if its Day 178 or not. At some point, does it matter? We’ve been held captive by a virus and federal incompetency for a fucking long time. My days are defined by therapy on Monday, housekeeper Shanon on Tuesdays so I […]

Day 177: Not Much To Say, I Guess

There’s certainly a lot going on, things to discuss and unpack. But I’m struggling to condense information into any semblance of a blog post. We took the evening off from the news to go pick up a leather elephant for our youngest nibling. Then we curled up in bed while foster cat Spencer had his […]

This Will Get Better for Some of Us: Day 174

CN: depression, suicide I woke up this morning from that thick fog of nightmares, the sort you have to physically wade yourself free from without succumbing to the false awakenings. I pulled my groggy subconscious free from traumatic images and experiences and sat up in bed with a start. As I sat there reorienting myself […]

On Day 171, Our Dog Died

My dog died

At 3 AM this morning, we rushed our dog to the ER vet office and had to put her to sleep. She was 14 or thereabouts. We adopted Ana from a rescue in May 2008. She was about two years old and had been removed from an abusive home with a broken pelvis. Her foster […]