You Gotta Wear a Mask

Mask up Pittsburgh

I am exhausted. Every single interaction with other human beings requires a complex series of negotiations and calculations that include the scientific facts, the interpersonal dynamics, the safety, and more. Earlier this week, we had to go to Lowe’s to purchase an in-store only item for our kitchen. I step out of the car, triple […]

For Your Consideration: The Case to Appoint Sue Kerr to Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission

Pittsburgh LGBTQIA Commission

In July 2020, Pittsburgh City Council unanimously approved the formation of a new commission focused on the LGBTQ community to replace the current Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Committee established in 2008 by Mayor Ravenstahl. Commissions serve the City residents, not just advising the Mayor. This is a change I first proposed in July 2019. From TheTrib: […]

Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT Finalist for ‘Best COVID Fundraiser’ in Pgh City Paper

Vote For Us Best of Pittsburgh

For a project launched in early April, receiving a nod four months later as a finalist in a local reader’s poll is fulfilling. And so it goes for the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT to be a finalist in the “Best COVID Fundraiser” category – the sort of intimate, hometown recognition that really works for a grassroots […]

This is not a good blog post

I’m trying to blog more often for my own cognitive benefit, but also to chronicle in some way this strange epoch disrupting our lives. We keep using terms like “disruption” as if when the static clears, regular programming will resume. Guess what? The TV blew up, the television station went bankrupt, and you may not […]

Urgent Need for Student Sized Face Masks After Donor Changes Their Mind

Urgent Appeal for Student Face Masks

In July, the Pittsburgh Masque Project leadership group decided to increase our monthly allotment to students from 2 masks per month to 4 masks per month. We were motivated by the concerns everyone has about back to school. One small support we can offer is providing enough masks for students to deal with lost masks, […]

That Time (almost) No One Came to my High School Graduation Party

On Wednesday, May 25, 1988, I received my diploma from West Mifflin Area High School, a blue-collar suburb of Pittsburgh. A few weeks later, my parents had a graduation party for me as thousands of parents had done before. We had lots of food, tons of canned pop, and almost no guests. I don’t have […]

Sundays in the Cemeteries of Pittsburgh

We’ve been pondering how to get outside, meander, and get a change of scenery. Our solution – visit cemeteries. I decided to map out cemeteries where our ancestors and extended family are buried. Our first trip was to St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Lawrenceville. We found the graves of two of my third great-grandmothers, Mary […]

Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears of Portland is latest Black Trans Woman Violently Killed

Her name was Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears. She was 34 years old when she was stabbed to death while attending a vigil in Portland on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. From According to police, Rhone-Spears was in attendance at the vigil near the 15800 block of Southeast Division which later moved to a home in the […]

Day 135 of the Quarantine

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

There’s nothing particularly notable about 135 days or about 4.3 months. Four months made up a semester, give or take. It is longer than a season by one month. It is almost half a human pregnancy. The typical duration of Kennywood being open. It is the length of time it took for 4.59+ million Americans […]

Trans and Queer Mask Project Approved for Crowdfund Match Through Elsie H. Hillman Foundation – Please Donate

Where to get face masks in Pittsburgh

The quick summary – our project is part of a crowdfund appeal with a 100% match. Every dollar you contribute is immediately matched, thanks to the Elsie H. Hillman Foundation support of Pittsburgh based COVID-19 projects. Please go donate right now and come back to read the post. This project has been funded by love […]