What Dr. Rachel Levine’s Statement Might Mean for the Trans Community

Dr. Rachel Levine

Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health has made a statement about the unrelenting vitriol directed at her identity. I was so pleased that she squarely addressed how these attacks impact the entire transgender community. One thing people inevitably ask me about the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is if we have any documented evidence of trans […]

32-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Tiffany Harris Fatally Stabbed in New York City

She was 32-years-old, a Bronx resident, and a Black trans woman who became the latest victim of the epidemic of violence the trans community experiences. She was stabbed multiple times in the chest about 1:35 a.m. Sunday during a confrontation inside the third-floor hallway of an apartment building on Jerome Ave. near W. 192nd St. […]

22-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Queasha D. Hardy Shot to Death in Baton Rouge

Queasha D. Hardy

Her name was Queasha Hardy. She was a 24-year-old Black trans woman who became the latest fatality in the epidemic of transphobic violence. Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she appears to have many friends and loved ones who are grieving her death.  Her Instagram feed is filled with images of women whose hair […]

Q&A with Pgh City Paper Editor-in-Chief About the ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll: Pandemic Edition

Lisa Cunningham Pittsburgh City Paper

I am not being coy or exaggerating when I say that being voted “Best Local Blogger” in the Pittsburgh City Paper Reader’s Poll in 2016 was transformative for me. It was the first year for the category and I had no idea I had even been nominated. I accused the City paper staffer who called […]

Q&A With Emily Skopov, Candidate for State House District 28

Emily Skopov

  We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks and encourage you to suggest others. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any […]

22-year-old Latina Trans Woman Marilyn Cazares Killed in Southern California

Marilyn Cazares was a 22-year-old trans Latina when her body was discovered in an abandoned residential building on Tuesday, July 13, 2020 in Brawley, California. Brawley police are treating her death as a homicide even without releasing much information. Marilyn’s was discovered when authorities responded to a nearby couch fire. Local media, police, and Marilyn’s […]

Pittsburgh Based Trans and Queer MasQUe ProjecT Urgently Needs Youth Sized Face Masks

Donate Face Masks for Students

We need your help to help students #MasQUeUp for back-to-school. Please share this post with anyone who might be able to help. Wondering where to donate face masks? The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is issuing an appeal for donations to provide face masks to school-aged children in LGBTQIA+ households throughout the region. The project needs 100-150 […]

We #AMPLIFY 16 Non-Binary Voices from Western Pennsylvania on International Nonbinary People’s Day

Non-Binary Stories

The AMPLIFY project is a series of Q&A’s with LGBTQ+ folks who have ties to Western Pennsylvania. Here are 16 contributors who identify as non-binary (or some variant of that spelling) – take a dive into their lived experiences. Meg, 28, is Nonbinary, Genderqueer, Polyamorous, and Pansexual #AMPLIFY Bebe Beretta, 27, is Nonbinary, Genderfluid, and […]

Happy International Nonbinary People’s Day 2020

Nonbinary umbrella

  Image created by @BlueBolt712        

Five Ways to Help Distribute Face Masks to Trans and Queer Neighbors

Pittsburgh Face Masks

The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT continues to distribute face masks to trans and queer households throughout the region. We are now in our fourth full month and have distributed more than 1500 masks through a network of volunteer sewists, drivers, packers, and others whose work is essential to this effort. Some have gone to individuals, others […]