Black Trans Woman Riah Milton, 25, was Murdered Near Cincinnati, Ohio

Riah Milton

A second brutal death of a Black trans woman in a 24 hour period. Riah Milton of Liberty Township, Ohio, was 25 years old when she was lured to her death by three other people, including a 14 year old cisgender girl. Liberty Township is a suburb of Cincinnati. Riah studied at the University of […]

Dominique Rem’mie Fells, 27, Found Murdered in Philadelphia

Dominique Felles

  Content Note: transphobia, dismemberment On June 8, 2020, Philadelphia police discovered the dismembered body of a Black transwoman along the banks of the Schuylkill River near the Bartram’s Garden Docks & Community Boathouse. Initial reporting misgendered Dominique. From ABC6: please note misgendering at this link Police said the person was found face down and […]

Phat Man Dee Releases ‘Masque Up!’ Anthem to Support Trans & Queer Neighbors, Promote Mask Use

From Phat Mandee … Hey friends, I made this song because my friend Sue Kerr told me about the work being done to connect our local trans community and general queer community with masks. I have been blessed with the presence of trans people in my life for a very long time, even before that […]

Depression and leaving me home with the dog

Content Note: depression, bipolar disorder, trauma The past few days have been rough as I struggle through this depression. Very tough, painful and scary tough. The sort of symptoms where other people walk away because my pain and anguish are so big. And I can’t blame them. It is like these intense feelings are pounding […]

Depression renders user unhelpful

Content note: mental health, depression After three weeks of hypomania, I’m now entering my second week of depression. I’m safe and have resources and all that. But I’m miserable. I can’t be helpful to anyone right now. I’m struggling to focus on and understand political nuances that I typically would grasp. I feel quite bad […]

#MasQUeUp to protect your family on this 15th Annual #LGBTQFamiliesDay

June is here and that always means it is time to blog about #LGBTQ families in partnership with Mombian blog and the Family Equality Council. I struggle to find a topic this year, more from having so many options than a surfeit of ideas.So I’m picking this one – our Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT.We create opportunities […]

Black Trans Man Tony McDade Killed by Police in Florida

The fatal police shooting we aren’t discussing involved a 38-year-old Black trans man named Tony McDade. Tony was killed by police this past Wednesday in Tallahassee, Florida. He’s accused of stabbing another man to death immediately prior to being shot five times by a police officer. His final Facebook live shares his plans to retaliate […]

Enter to win a free download of ALMA’s new album Have U Seen Her?

Enter now for your chance to win a free download of Have U Seen Her?, the new album from Finnish pop punk supremo ALMA! Featuring “LA Money,” “Stay All Night” and “King of the Castle.” Have U Seen Her? is available May 15. PreOrder/PreSave: We are giving two winners each one […]

Part Four – Plagued by Worry: An Historical Look at Pandemics in Four Parts

Read Part One and Part Two  Part Three   Part Four Literature It was Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Masque of the Red Death that probably sparked my early fascination with epidemics.  I remember checking it out of my elementary school’s library over and over.  It both terrified and intrigued me.  Prince Prospero is hiding in his […]

Part Three – Plagued by Worry: An Historical Look at Pandemics in Four Parts

Read Part One and Part Two When a disease is ready to spread to humans, it will find a way, and, like rats, bacteria do not recognize international borders.  It’s natural to want to find something to blame for a disease like this.  But it shouldn’t be at the expense of already vulnerable populations, or […]