Daily Dose of Critter Cam: March 16, 2020 #PghCatLadies

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. This clip features our two littlest kittens, Maisel and Lennon, who are available for adoption through […]

Guest Blog Post: Fever sale? How COVID-19 is affecting this particular arts-based small business.

Small Business COVID-19 Coronavirus

I’m coping by trying to focus on practical, actionable, data-driven preventative measures we can take to assist the most at-risk people in our families and communities. The following is a post I wrote last Thursday, March 12, on the Facebook page for my business, Etna Print Circus. I chose to share it with a couple […]

Daily Dose of Critter Cam: March 15, 2020 #PghCatLadies

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. Today’s video clip features our 11-year-old Siamese Coco and her adoring acolyte, eight-month-old Kinzua. Coco has […]

Tips for Using Giant Eagle’s Grocery Delivery Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

Review of Giant Eagle Curbside Express

We routinely use the Curbside Express grocery delivery service. I see from my blog analytics that previous posts on this topic are spiking in popularity so I thought it was a good time to create an update tailored to people who might be trying the service for the first time. Note that your first delivery […]

Daily Dose of Critter Cam #Video

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. This is Mamma Mia up close and personal with the nanny cam in our attic. We […]

OUTrageous Bingo Changes for Spring/Summer 2020 in response to Coronavirus

OUTrageous Bingo Coronavirus

I’ve reached out to several local LGBTQ organizations, requesting an update on how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Allies for Health + Wellbeing, Pittsburgh Center for Equality, Persad Center, PFLAG Pittsburgh, TransPride Pittsburgh, Proud Haven, OUTrageous Bingo, Shepherd Wellness Community, SisTers Pgh, and True T Pittsburgh. As I receive their responses, […]

Allies for Health + Wellbeing Statement on COVID-19

Allies for health + wellbeing pittsburgh

I’ve reached out to several local LGBTQ organizations, requesting an update on how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Pittsburgh Center for Equality, Persad Center, PFLAG Pittsburgh, TransPride Pittsburgh, Proud Haven, OUTrageous Bingo, Shepherd Wellness Community, SisTers Pgh, and True T Pittsburgh. As I receive their responses, I will publish. Some of […]

My Year as a GLAAD Media Award Winner

It was pretty exciting to be named OUTstanding Blog in the national GLAAD Media Awards. Exciting is such an understatement, as if I’m trying to capture the awesome feeling of the accomplishment but wrap it in some humility so you don’t think I’m a jagoff. It hasn’t been an experience that revolutionized my entire world […]

Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh Endorsements

Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PITTSBURGH, Pa. On March 8, 2020, members of the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh (GSPCGP) endorsed, as follows, candidates for the April 28th Primary Election. Federal offices: For President, after discussion, we endorse the statement, “Support The Democrat in the fall. Get involved as early as possible.” (No sour grapes.) US Congressman Mike Doyle has slowly and […]

Northside Democratic Committeeman Insists Eileen Kelly Remove Pro-Trump Democratic Ward Chair

Eileen Kelly Jeff Anesin

“You snowflakes forget it freedom of speech in this country I wear what the fuck I want to wear!” ~ Jeff Anesin, Allegheny County Democratic Committee, 24th Ward Chair I caught this on Facebook yesterday – another chapter in the saga of pro-Trump Democrats in the Allegheny County Democratic Committee. I’m guessing Eileen Kelly, Adam […]