#SteelCitySnowflake Q&A with Lynz

Lyndsey Sickler Pittsburgh

As part of our #SteelCitySnowflakes project, we are highlighting neighbors who contribute to the social justice fabric in our communities. Next up is Lynz nominated by Anonymous. They and I have known one another for many years and we are actually distant cousins. They are very well known in the LGBTQ community and had a […]

Review: Hoard a new play at off the WALL Productions in Carnegie

This is the sort of play that I would prefer to contemplate for a few days before I write a review. However, the importance and impact of this creation is so significant that I’m pushing through my own process to urge you – strongly – to Carnegie to see this show running for three weekends. March […]

Pennsylvania Political Candidates Who Give Me Hope for Progress

Pennsylvania Political Candidates

Don’t despair. I feel your angst, frustration, and sadness. I do have some hope to offer you in the form of women and men who are not white/heterosexual/cisgender who have run for local office in the past two years. We have a series called Political Q&A. You might want to read through. If you have […]

Q&A With Lissa Geiger Shulman, Candidate for PA State House 30

Lissa for PA

As a woman, I do bring a still under-represented perspective as only 26% of the General Assembly is women. However, I also have a privileged perspective due to my race, sexual orientation, and gender identity. I acknowledge that this limits my perspective, and will work to listen to and elevate more diverse voices as a […]

How Are the Kittens? March 3, 2020

If you are interested in adopting these or any kitten/cat, please click on over to Pittsburgh C.A.T. to review the application process and check out who is ready for your family! Maisel and Lennon are great. They are ready for the permanent home. They play non-stop until they come to a full stop and sleep […]

Q&A with Jessica Benham, Candidate for PA State House District 36

Jessica Benham

The residents of district 36 deserve a solution to the flooding that impacts their daily lives. They are tired of constant studies and plans that don’t materialize. We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of […]

Guest Post by Ava: Five Queer Modern Artists to Follow on Instagram

Queer Artists to Follow on Instagram

Our niece Ava has put together a list of Instagram feeds you should be following. This is her first of what I hope will be many blog posts. ~ Sue Here’s a list of queer modern artists and some information as to why you should follow their Instagram. Elton John. For many years, singer, Elton […]

Introducing Our New Foster Kittens, Stefano DiMeowa and Spencer Cattsadine #PghCatLadies

Foster Kittens Pittsburgh

Today has been a big, exhausting day for me. For the past few weeks, I’ve been helping some Northside neighbors who have a small feral colony made up of Papa, Mama, and two kittens. They’ve provided a heated shelter and regular food, they wanted to try to find homes for the kittens and TNR the […]

Concert Review: King Princess Affirms Queer Identity Through Pop Music

King Princess Review

One Saturday night in February was bitter cold and snowing (sort of). So to warm up body and spirit, I took my fourteen year old niece with me to see King Princess.  Although my niece is a self-proclaimed metal rocker, and King Princess is as far away from that genre as you can get, she […]

Fish Fry Friday: Riverview Presbyterian Church on Pittsburgh’s Northside

Fish Fry Reviews Grand Jury Report

Welcome to Fish Fry Fridays, 2020 Edition! Click here to learn more about this project, now in its 7th year of providing you absolutely biased reviews of fish fries throughout Pittsburgh. Name: Riverview Presbyterian Church Date: February 28, 2020 Time We Ate: 5:26 PM Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this […]