Suspect charged in murder of 17-year-old Washington State trans teen, Nikki Kuhnhausen

Nikki Kuhnhausen was 17 years old when she disappeared from her hometown of Vancouver, Washington to allegedly meet up with a 25-year-old man she met on Snapchat. That was June 6, 2019. After she was reported missing, David Bogdanov was named a person of interest in her disappearance. Nikki would have turned 18 on July […]

Mairin, 31, is an out and proud lesbian in Philadelphia with Pittsburgh roots #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Philadelphia lesbian

Working around dress codes has always been difficult for me. I dress in men’s clothing and it isn’t always acceptable in professional settings (it is also not always easy to find clothes to begin with!). Every time I start a new job or show up to a dressy function, I worry what people are going […]

I Chose the Aunt Life

Last night, our friends and their kids had dinner with us then came over to hang out with the kittens. During our meal, the elder asked me why and how we are their aunts because we aren’t related to them. That opened a conversation about choosing family and that we chose to be involved in […]

Free to a Good Home: 12 Bits of Advice for First-Time Cat Ladies and Friends

Foster Kitten Pittsburgh

It was two years ago in late December when we began feeding a Domestic Long-Haired cat who showed up on our deck. It was so cold and snowy that we set up a makeshift feeding station for her and a few friends who showed up. Fast forward two years. That particular kitty and her bonded […]

Introducing the Sheffield Trio – Eight Week Old Kittens Born on the Northside of Pittsburgh

Meet our newest foster kittens: Susie Myerson, Sophie Lennon, and Maisel. They are eight weeks old. They were born in late October under a porch on Sheffield Street here in Manchester. When the homeowners discovered Mama Cat (now known as Faith) caring for her brood, they turned to the cat ladies and friends for help. […]

Patreons, PayPal, and Prose


I have six patrons through the Patreon site and four sustaining monthly donors through Paypal. One is for $10, the rest are $5 and $1. Collectively and individually, they make my heart soar. Such flight of fancy language, but I’m not exaggerating. To know that these ten people care enough about the work that we […]

We Successfully Raised $2600 for TNR Supplies to Help the Homeless Cat Management Team Cat Lady Lending Library

Feral Cat Pittsburgh

Thanks to our friends at ioby and a whole lotta great cat lovers, we met our goal today several days ahead of schedule. We set out to raise $2500 and ended up raising $2600 which will help cover fees and such. The funds will be used to purchase TNR equipment for volunteers to use, equipment […]

PghLesbian Blog Selected for Library of Congress LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive

Lesbian Blog Library of Congress

I am wrapping up this year on a high-note with a truly unexpected honor – inclusion of our blog in the Library of Congress archives. The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to the LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive. We consider your website […]

Why I Ended My Fiscal Sponsorship Relationship with Persad Center

Persad Center Shame

My fiscal sponsorship relationship with Persad Center has formally ended. I made the decision earlier in the fall after two specific incidents made me aware beyond a shadow of a doubt that allying the #AMPLIFY and other community art projects with the current incarnation of Persad was both unhealthy and hurtful to my LGBTQ neighbors. […]

Will Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Mental Health Center merge with a non-LGBTQ health organization?

Persad Allies Merger

I was informed today that Persad Center faces a dire choice due to finances – either merge with the much larger Allies for Health + Wellbeing (formerly known as the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force) or face potential closure altogether. Without any timeframe for this, I have to make immediate decisions about my mental health treatment […]