Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends Feral Cat Supplies – Donate!

Fundraiser for homeless cats

The Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends are working with Homeless Cat Management Team to create a cat trapping “lending library” on the Northside for convenience and efficiency. This project is eligible for a 100% match so any bit you can donate will get twice as close to our end goal. Our goal is two […]

Celebrating International Lesbian Day 2019 with 64 Lesbians

Lesbian Day of Visibility

So, this is an unusual day of observance. I get a little skittish around the concept because I am suspicious that TERF’s are behind most contemporary “all things lesbian” these days.  There’s also a Lesbian Visibility Day, Don’t get me wrong – more visibility is a good thing, but it is a truth universally understood […]

Anonymouse, 62, is an Atypical Late Blooming Bisexual in Somerset County #AMPLIFY

Somerset County Bisexual

Content Note: sexual abuse, child abuse, mental illness, religious abuse. We’ve posted several hotline numbers at the end of this post for  your reference. Name: Anonymouse County of Residence: Somerset County. Age: 62 years old Pronouns: He, him, they, theirs, yinz How do you describe your identity?  I’m an atypical late blooming bisexual – I came to understand […]

And Then There Was Kinzua, The Kitten With a Mission

Sunday afternoon, I saw a post on Facebook about a little kitten in need of a temporary foster home. He was called McFeisty, about 8-10 weeks of age, and needed some work on skittishness. We hoped a few weeks in our kitten playpen and exposure to some other kittens and cats would be just the […]

Rachel Maddow to Guest Star on Batwoman

We’ve been looking forward to the debut of Batwoman on the CW this Sunday. She’s so gay! Check out this super queer review from Heather Hogan at Autostraddle. Adding to the deliciousness is this tidbit from Rachel Maddow … I know no one’s going to believe this is true, but it’s true. I’m “Vesper Fairchild” […]

Saying “No” is a Revolutionary Act

setting boundaries

Recently, I blew up at another LGBTQ advocate who made some choices that I found questionable. I ended the conversation by telling them “Please don’t message me. I need a break from you. Thank you.” A week later, they unexpectedly sent me an expository email to help me understand their perspective and tell me how […]

Ary, 53, Shares Their Experiences as a Nonbinary Gynophile #AMPLIFY

nonbinary gynophile

  Name: Ary Age: 53 County of Residence: Allegheny County Pronouns: They/them How do you describe your identity? nonbinary gynophile Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Trans friends in my company, and friends from a facebook account under an alternate name. How would you describe yourself NOW in terms […]

Vote “No” on the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Tax Referendum

Vote No Referendum

Another year, another ballot referendum trying to circumvent the “no taxation without representation” theory of governance. This time it is the Parks Conservancy which wants funding for parks and doesn’t want the hassle of going through the normal City budgeting process. So 2018. The question would ask voters whether they support raising property taxes starting […]

E! The Dragnificent Reviews Broadway Drag Bingo

On September 20, our newest contributor visited a new offering ffrom the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust – Broadway Bingo. E! The Dragnificent who happens to be studying musical theater has an inside glimpse of this new series. Disclosure: we were provided with a pair of tickets to this event. E! also won a pair of socks, […]

What Happens When We Don’t Listen to Black Women in Pittsburgh

Black Women Pittsburgh

I’m still struggling along this week so I’ve had to skip a few significant stories I’d typically blog about. But I am paying attention. I live about a mile away from the Exxon gas station in Marshall-Shadeland where three male employees assaulted two Black women over what amounted to $17 worth of gas. I encourage […]