Arnold’s Tea Will Remain Open

Arnold's Tea Pittsburgh

Good news about Arnold’s Tea, a local Black owned business that was facing potential eviction and termination of their lease. First, it is critical to note that 3200+ people signed the petition to keep Arnold’s Tea open. That’s impressive. HDDC Board President Barbara Burns and her leadership team should open the books, explain how […]

Dog House Wanted by the PghCatLadies

We are preparing for what might be a rough winter, including our two feral visitors Oksana and Mx. Pajamas. Shelter is critical for homeless cats. We repurposed an old insulated dog house by filling it with straw and draping an old comforter across the entrance. We also have two smaller coolers that have been slightly […]

ReelQ LGBTQ Film Festival Set to Run October 3-12 at Row House Theater

ReelQ LGBTQ Film Festival

Reel Q is the longest running film festival in Pittsburgh, the 5th oldest LGBTQ+ film festival in the United States, and the 6th oldest LGBTQ+ festival in the world.  One of my favorite times of the year.  There’s really no substitute for the experience of sitting in a theater filled with queer folx watching a […]

Update: My Therapist WILL See Me Twice a Week, Sort Of

I am aware that the content has been pretty heavy on the inner dialogue of late. That’s just where my head is, friends. I’m struggling as you probably see and chronicling the struggle seems to be a source of comfort and hope. Today, my therapist said that I don’t seem to have any hope even […]

Quick Q&A with Rob Rogers about Bringing Back Brewed on Grant

Rob Rogers Pittsburgh

My brief series with ‘Burgh Vivant, Seven with Sue, has been modified to publish right here on my own blog. We will use a simplified version of our popular Q&A’s to talk with an assortment of regional folx. Each edition will ask several questions (plus demographics) exploring the creator’s experience and views on all things […]

Keep Arnold’s Tea Open: Sign the Petition

Arnold's Tea Pittsburgh

Arnold’s Tea is one of the best spaces on the Northside from early days under the ownership of Verna Arnold in 2015 through the current incarnation with Chef Claudy Pierre. It is a gorgeous roomy restaurant with plenty of comfortable seating right in the heart of East Ohio Street on Pittsburgh’s Northside neighborhood of East […]

Letters to the Editor: Lest we get complacent, please read this

Edward Liberatore from Turtle Creek is not a fan of us homosexuals. Or science. The shouting down of anyone who doesn’t agree with the left wing’s liberal agenda is nothing new. The radicals have always tried to drown out any reasonable discourse over the decades. In the midst of the sexual revolution of the ’60s […]

My Therapist Won’t See Me Twice a Week

I’ve been in weekly therapy for years, at least the past 15. I like going often because I want to touch base and sharpen skills while also deal with the latest crap in life. Discovering my complex trauma diagnosis puts this in perspective – I had been making progress, but it was leading me toward […]

78 Bi+ Stories From Western Pennsylvania #BiVisibility

Since 1999: Bisexual+ Awareness Week seeks to accelerate acceptance of the bi+ (pansexual, fluid, no label, queer, etc.) community. #BiWeek draws attention to the experiences, while also celebrating the resiliency of, the bisexual+ community. Throughout #BiWeek, allies and bi+ people learn about the history, culture, community, and current policy priorities of bi+ communities. In honor […]

It’s been a hard week in Pittsburgh to be a survivor of childhood sexual violence

Content Note: abuse, sexual assault, isolation It’s been a hard week in Pittsburgh to be a survivor of childhood sexual violence. Pittsburgh Pirate pitched Felipe Vasquez has been charged with multiple accounts related to a three year span of sexual violence targeting a girl from ages 13-15. PA State Senator Mike Folmer resigned after authorities […]