Fat, Gay, & in the Way: My latest for the Pittsburgh Current

What does it mean to be fat, gay& in the way? I consider this in my latest for the Pittsburgh Current “At the end of my freshman year of college, my father criticized me for gaining the fabled “Freshman Fifteen,” and I felt shame, even despair. It took me years to acknowledge that this had […]

Shawn, 41, identifies as a gay/queer/bear/cub/ethical slut #AMPLIFY

Allegheny County LGBTQ

Name: Shawn Age: 41 County of Residence: Allegheny, originally from Burlington, CT a sleepy bedroom/hill town community in Hartford County, CT. I’ve also lived in Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Jamaica Plain and Roslindale, MA. MA IS MY TRUE HOME. Pronouns: I’m a cis gay man and don’t care what you call me. How do you describe your identity? Gay/queer/bear/cub/ethical slut […]

Drag Queen Bingo in Pittsburgh and Beyond

Drag Queen Bingo Pittsburgh

Fall is here and that means it is time for the return of OUTrageous Bingo, which kicks off the season on September 7 at Rodef Shalom. OUTrageous Bingo has been entertaining legions of Pittsburghers for over 20 years, benefitting the Pittsburgh Equality Center and Shepherd Wellness Community. OUTrageous Bingo sells out almost monthly which is […]

The ongoing trauma of surviving abuse in the Diocese of Pittsburgh

Content Note: Trauma, Catholic Church, Sexual Predators Trauma unfolds differently for some survivors. Some experiences happened in the past and when we do the work of recovery and healing, we can put an end to the traumatic impact on our current lives. That’s the hope anyway. Trauma isn’t just in the past, it is an […]

Enter to win Rocketman on Blu-ray/DVD!

Elton John Rocketman giveaway

Enter to win Rocketman on Blu-ray/DVD! 3…2…1…Liftoff!  Enter now for your chance to win the epic musical celebration Rocketman on Blu-ray/DVD! Experience the electrifying story of one of the most iconic figures in rock & roll Packed with over 75 minutes of must-see bonus content, including exclusive footage not seen in theaters Available now on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital: http://paramnt.us/RocketmanBlu-ray Facebook.com/rocketmanmovie Twitter.com/rocketmanmovie Instagram.com/rocketmanmovie #ROCKETMAN […]

Bob, 24, is an autistic butch non binary lesbian. This is their story. #AMPLIFY

Austistic Nonbinary Lesbian Pittsburgh

  I still don’t know how to tell them I legally changed my name. Maybe they’ll see this and find out. Hi mom, hi dad. I love you. I wish I could tell you how incandescently happy changing my name made me. A weight has been lifted. I hope you can respect that. Name: Bob Rudenborg […]

Meet Queenie, an Adult Cat for Adoption in Pittsburgh #PghCatLadies

Cats for Adoption Pittsburgh

Meet Queenie Senior female tortoiseshell, good with dogs and children, prefers no other cats. Hello! My name is Queenie, and I have been through a lot in my 9 years! I am originally from a shelter in Florida. A bunch of us kitties were flown to safety in Pittsburgh when my shelter had to make […]

Flip, 32, Describes Rural & Urban Life as a Pansexual, Queer Man #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Pansexual Queer Man

Name: Flip Shuffstall Age: 32 County of Residence: Allegheny County, formerly Venango County. Clarion County. United Kingdom, Liverpool. Pronouns: Him How do you describe your identity? Cis Male—Pansexual—Queer Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Imagine if Dharma and Greg had kids. My maternal side—liberal—loving and accepting. Paternal side—right-wing-Christian—homophobic—rich. Some summers […]

‘Brewed on Grant’ is on my Pittsburgh blogging bucket list

On my Pittsburgh blogger bucket list: A mention in a Tony Norman column (while there’s still a print edition) Appearance on Pittsburgh Today Live with David Highfield to talk about literally anything Blogger segment on 91.3 WYEP (what music do we blog to?) Best Local Blog in Pittsburgh Magazine Readers poll A regular blogger panel […]

I have Cat Scratch Disease and I’m not even kitten

Cat Scratch Fever

I didn’t see this coming – apparently, I have a lymph node infection traced to cat scratch disease. Yep, what we often call cat scratch fever.  I have Ted Nugent disease and this does not make me happy. It started for me on Monday when I realized I had a headache that wouldn’t quit and […]