Vote for Us As The Best Local Blog in Pittsburgh #BestOfPgh By Sunday!

Did you vote yet? I was asked to make a last minute plug for my blog Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – will you vote me before Sunday?   I won this category in 2016, the first time they ever had it and back when it was Best Local Blogger rather than Best Local Blog. I took […]

Chris, 22, is a Gay Man Who is Out, Proud, and Never Looking Back #AMPLIFY

Gay White Man Pittsburgh

Tell me about the first LGBTQ person whom you met. What impact did they have on your life?

I was scared of him. I was only ten so I believed the lies I’d heard of the LGBTQ community. As I grew, that fear turned into pride and a desire to never hide myself away again. He lost almost everybody when he came out, and I want to be part of the generation that ensures that never happens to anybody ever again. I suppose it’s also my way to apologize to him, since I can’t do it in person.

Five Sick Kittens Walk Into Our Bathroom #KittenCaboodle

Content Note: Happy Ending Late last week, the kittens all took sick. This means they had diarrhea and vomit incidents throughout the bathroom, mostly in the tub (thank goodness.) It was Friday when things took that dark turn so we updated the foster group (Pittsburgh C.A.T.) and hoped it was just a small thing. Saturday […]

Ed Pinto, Phat Man Dee Drop Bubble Bath Video This Weekend with Rubber Duckie Cameo

Ed Pinto Pittsburgh

Ed Pinto has upped his investment in the “How much would you pay to hear Ed Pinto’s life story?” fundraiser for #AMPLIFY with this video that dropped over the weekend. Quick Recap – Ed is offering up chronicling his life story for the AMPLIFY archive as a fun fundraiser. We are trying to raise $2,000 […]

Flip the Script: a Q&A for Sue Created by Tereneh Idia

Flip the Script

This is the second installment of our new blogging Q&A project: Flip the Script. I have invited a group of friends and acquaintances to design a Q&A for me to answer. As we near #AMPLIFY 300, I thought it would be a good opportunity to ‘flip the script’ and put myself on the opposite side of the question, to walk […]

MazeToons Honors Stonewall Riots Anniversary with Reference to Tree Sequoia

Tree Sequoia

From Joe Wos, long-time ally and supporter at MazeToons Today’s MazeToons I was faced with a problem. How to pay tribute to the Stonewall riot without appearing glib. So I went with a very subtle tribute to someone who has been there since the start! The bartender who was there then and is still now- […]

Brooklyn Lindsey of Kansas City is the 11th Black Trans Woman Murdered in the US during 2019

Brooklyn Lindsey Kansas City

  The 11th trans woman to be murdered in 2019 is 32-year-old Brooklyn Lindsey of Kansas City. Police found her body about 6:30 a.m. Tuesday at a home in the 600 block of Spruce Avenue. She had obvious signs of trauma to her face, but the cause of death had not been determined, police said. […]

Thursday Night the @PghSymphony Hosts Thorgy Thor’s US Symphonic Premiere

Thorgy Tor Pittsburgh

Violinist, violist and cellist Thorgy Thor (from RuPaul’s Drag Race) performs with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in the U.S. premiere of this can’t-miss symphonic spectacular! Beethoven, Mozart & Bernstein ✔ Madonna, Bruno Mars & Dolly Parton ✔ A thrilling and hilariously theatrical show! ✔   The performance will include some mature themes, so adult supervision and audience discretion is advised Get your tickets […]

City of Pittsburgh Honors 50th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots

  I was unable to attend this press conference, but I have been talking with Councilperson Strassburger’s team about the proposed legislation – I had no idea these gaps existed. Kudos to them for filling that gap. We’ll have more on that later. Note that Councilperson Strasssburger is wearing a ‘Yinz is a Gender Neutral […]

So About My #GLAADaward and Queer Erasure in the Pittsburgh Media Market

GLAAD award outstanding blog

My latest column for The Pittsburgh Current is out today. I decided to explore how the lack of mainstream media coverage of this blog winning a national media award reflects the larger issue of queer erasure in media in this market. Colleagues working in local media markets told me that the story was ignored because […]