Black Trans Woman Chynal Lindsey, 26, Slain in Dallas on First Day of Pride Month 2019

Chynal Lindsey Transgender

  Pride month begins with the tragic news of the discovery of the body of 26 year-old Chynal Lindsey in a Dallas lake. “Dallas police say a black, transgender woman whose body was pulled from White Rock Lake Saturday died of obvious homicidal violence.White Dallas police said a passerby called them at about 5:45 p.m. […]

“Can you take a 13-year-old Caucasian boy?” Guest Blog Post for #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Lesbian Foster Family

This is a guest post written by a friend who is a foster parent. Her son has given permission to share pieces of his story to signal boost the vital role of LGBTQ foster families. This is part of our contributions to the #LGBTQFamiliesDay project. Content Note: Abuse, Trauma, Homophobia, Family Rejection “Can you take […]

We #AMPLIFY Stories from 50+ LGBTQ Parents in Western Pennsylvania on #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Welcome to another year of LGBTQ Families Day, a ‘day of blogging (and more)’ about LGBTQ families, sponsored by the blog Mombian and the Family Equality Council. Once again, I’ve decided to share #AMPLIFY posts highlighting the voices of parents, step-parents  and grandparents and other caretakers of children.  If you are a LGBTQ person with ties […]

PRIDE GIVEAWAY – Enter for a Pair of Tickets to Renaissance City Choir #PghPride

Pride Renaissance City Choir giveaway

Saturday marks the kick-off of Pride month here in Pittsburgh and we are very excited to partner with Renaissance City Choir to give away a pair of passes to the very FIRST Pride event – their annual Pride Concerts. Join Renaissance City Choir for our 2019 Pride Concert: A Celebration of our Community of Singers! We […]

The Little Red Stocking: a Tale of a Cat’s Toy


**Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Influencer program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. In addition, I may be compensated for purchases made via my Amazon Influencer page. ** I have no idea how the Influence program will […]

Help Replace the Laptop of the GLAAD LGBTQ Outstanding Blog for 2019 #GLAADAwards

GLAAD Outstanding Blog Award

  Soooo … this is a tale of irony and frustration. In early May, I had the honor being named Outstanding Blog through the GLAAD Awards. It was so great to have the hard work of 14 years plus dozens of contributing bloggers and AMPLIFYers acknwoledge on a national platform. We decided to celebrate by […]

Congratulations to Winners of the 2019 Golden Quill Awards, Especially The Pittsburgh Current and PublicSource – Yay!

GOlden Quill Pittsburgh Current Chris Potter

I was pleased to see so many familiar names (and media pieces) among the winners of the 2019 Golden Quill awards. The Golden Quills recognizes professional and student excellence in print, broadcast, photography, videography and digital journalism in Western PA and nearby counties in Ohio and West Virginia. A very special shout-out to my colleagues […]

What is Persad Center Even Thinking Regarding Pridefest in Pittsburgh?

Persad is once again making puzzling choices about their community organization relationships and their ongoing attachment with the Delta Foundation.  This year, that manifests itself by their decision to sponsor EQT Pride (Pittsburgh’s traditional Pridefest), but not invest in People’s Pride 2K19. I receive this email blast newsletter type message the other day Hello Friend, Thank […]

Enter for the chance to win a ROCKETMAN prize pack and soundtrack!

Enter for the chance to win a ROCKETMAN prize pack and soundtrack! ROCKETMAN is an epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. The film follows the fantastical journey of transformation from shy piano prodigy Reginald Dwight into international superstar Elton John. This inspirational story – set to Elton John’s […]

Eli, 37, is a Queer Bisexual, Trans Man, and Small Business Owner #AMPLIFY

Trans Man Lawrenceville

  By telling our stories, we expose others to narratives they may not be familiar with. This includes reaching potential allies, and folks who are struggling with their sexual and gender identities, as well as those who feel isolated because of them. Name: Eli Shumaker Age: 37 County of Residence: Allegheny County, formerly Clinton, Centre counties Pronouns: He/Him […]