Michelle Washington, 40, of Philadelphia is 5th Black Trans Woman to be Murdered in 2019

Tameka Michelle Simone

Early Sunday morning, Michelle Washington (also known as Michelle Simone and Tameka) was found shot to death around 5 AM in North Philadelphia. Michelle is the third Black trans woman to die from gun violence in a five day period and the fifth Black trans woman to be murdered in 2019 in the United States. […]

Claire Legato, 21, of Cleveland is 3rd Black Trans Woman Murdered in the US in 2019

Claire Legato

Claire Legato was a 21-year-old Black trans woman living in Cleveland when she was shot  April 15 after an argument broke out between her mother and John Booth, the suspected shooter. She was taken to a nearby hospital and died from her injuries on May 14. A warrant has been issued for Booth. Claire was from […]

Muhlaysia Booker, 23, of Dallas is 4th Trans Woman Murdered in the US in 2019

Muhlaysia Booker

“This time, I can stand before you,” she added. “Whereas in other scenarios, we are at a memorial.” A Black transwoman in Dallas who survived a brutal attack just a month ago has died from a gun shot wound she sustained on Saturday. Police do not believe the incidents are connected, but haven’t ruled it […]

I Need Something Human

Foster Kittens

This week has been intense and I’m struggling to figure out what comes next for me. Not in some big grand mysterious plan sort of way, but in an introspective “Am I the person I want to be?” sort of way. On the ‘yes’ side of that question – I trapped five homeless kittens at […]

50+ Pittsburgh Ways to Honor the 50th Legacy of Stonewall #PghPride

Stonewall 50th Anniversary Pittsburgh

The legacy of Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary is hotly contested, revised, and yet still remains vitally important to all of us LGBTQ people. I decided to create a list of 50 events and actions you can take to honor that legacy. These are not in any particular ranking nor chronological order. This list is meant to […]

Q&A with Bobby Wilson, Candidate for City Council District One

Bobby Wilson City Council

  We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2019. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks who agreed to participate. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any […]

Q&A with Bethany Hallam, Candidate for Allegheny County Council District at Large

Bethany Hallam Allegheny County Council

We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2019. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks who agreed to participate. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any level […]

Racist Billboard Owner in Armstrong County Jabs at Sunoco in Latest Narrative Twist

Worthington Armstrong County billboards

As we’ve been talking this week about racist behavior by a School Board Director in Peters Township (and his wife’s opposition to considering a non-discrimination ordinance on the Peters Township Council), it seems like a good time to drop back in to Worthington, Armstrong County and see what the racist billboard has to say. You […]

Peters Township School Board Director’s Racist, Sexist Social Media Content Illustrates Need for Local Non-Discrimination Ordinance

William Merrell Peters Township

Content Note: racist slurs, sexism, lying white men (vile images below) Efforts are underway in Peters Township to introduce an ordinance establishing a local Human Relations Commission and to include sexual orientation and gender identity among the protected classes. The Township Council decided that there was not evidence of local discrimination and opted to table […]

Even. More. Kittens.

When we last left this story, we had captured one kitten from a litter of five that are attached to a mama cat we’ve been feeding. We named him Sun Volt (SV) because he’s a gorgeous ginger orange tabby and he’s a fierce little man. He took up residence in our bathroom where our dog’s […]